New CD?

I'm really excited for this album, it definitely has the potential to surpass Mirror of Souls...maybe. Though the title track makes that task a little harder, in my opinion. Lol. :goggly:

Yeah, I don't think there's any surpassing "Mirror of Souls" (the song) for me, personally...I feel like if I'm blessed enough to have a long life, I'll still think of that song as my magnum opus when I'm 80. So all we can do is try something different, which in this case will be a little more "Theocracy's Greatest Hits" song oriented (i.e. shorter songs that work great live, with a couple of epics thrown in). We want this one to be one of those albums where every single song could potentially be someone's favorite, as opposed to a group of songs orbiting around one big epic. We're sure not going to have another 24-minute song on this one...gotta keep things fresh and unpredictable. :goggly:

I'll be shocked if I ever hear myself say that one of our albums is "the best we've ever done" or "my favorite." That old cliche' about albums being like children is true. I love MoS, but it doesn't have "The Serpent's Kiss" or "Theocracy," for example, just as I love the self-titled, but it doesn't have "Absolution Day" or "Laying the Demon to Rest." So it's impossible for me to compare.

Where I DO think you can compare is in the more tangible aspects: the production is far better on MoS, the singing is better, etc., and the third album will hopefully continue that upward trend (especially when it comes to the guitar parts and solos). So I feel like we're still getting better and better, and once I feel like we're not getting better, then it will be time to walk away. But I'm very excited for this album; I had some specific goals in mind and I think we're going to meet them, such as making this one feel like a Theocracy's Greatest Hits album and making it closer to 50 minutes than 80, so you'll want to play it again as soon as it's over.

Of course, I've probably given away too much already, and this is all subject to change at any time. :heh:

Thanks for your interest guys, and we'll be sure to check in once recording has started. Until then, maybe we'll post some rehearsal footage once we start back up.
Shorter songs? Like ones that will you get you radio play and a larger fanbase? How many albums has it taken you guys to figure out that's how it works? ;)
I'm just kidding, I love the longer songs. I honestly was never expecting another 20+ minute long song from you guys...the sheer amount of talent and work required to pull Mirror of Souls off had to be exhausting.

I agree with you about the difficulty in picking favorites....I prefer the production on Mirror of Souls, and I LOVE the title track, Martyr, Laying the Demon to Rest, etc. (Well, I love all of them, but those are my 3 favorite from the album), but it doesn't have Twist of Fate, the Healing Hand, or The Serpent's Kiss either (Love the counterpoint at the end of Twist of Fate, by the way)

And, once you feel like you have "peaked," I'd love for you to continue making music, so long as you stay at your peak. Skillet, for example, found the niche on Collide...but since then have gone downhill (and even went mainstream... :( ). But say you peak on your 6th long as your 7th is as good or almost as good as the one before it, you continuing to make music will still be a good thing. However, if you do not want to, or run out of material, or honestly feel like you aren't able to replicate your previous efforts, then I agree: it's time you (not you specifically, this goes for all bands, obviously) step down.

I don't know....60-70 minutes is a good album length IMO. It doesn't take up the entire disc, and it doesn't feel "cheap" as far as time goes. Though anything above 45 minutes it above average now-a-days.

Subject to change, sure, but I know I, for one, appreciate the information...and would buy the full CD in demo, unfinished format at full price to tide myself over ;). (Well, not RIGHT now, but after I get my next get my meaning though :P )

Any kinds of footage would be awesome...and if you guys wanted to start doing a podcast type deal, I sure wouldn't complain ;) .

By the way, I think it's awesome that you and the band members care enough to post at your own message boards.
Any kinds of footage would be awesome...and if you guys wanted to start doing a podcast type deal, I sure wouldn't complain ;) .

By the way, I think it's awesome that you and the band members care enough to post at your own message boards.

Agreed 100%. Most bands do not do it... but you do. It just makes us fans like you guys more. You are a good band and very down-to-earth humble people. Not bigshots. THANKS! P.S. CANNOT WAIT FOR THE THIRD ALBUM. My head just might explode. Yes, this is the 3rd (or wait is it the 4th or 5th?) time I've said that. :rock::rock::rock:
Yeah, I don't think there's any surpassing "Mirror of Souls" (the song) for me, personally...I feel like if I'm blessed enough to have a long life, I'll still think of that song as my magnum opus when I'm 80. So all we can do is try something different, which in this case will be a little more "Theocracy's Greatest Hits" song oriented (i.e. shorter songs that work great live, with a couple of epics thrown in). We want this one to be one of those albums where every single song could potentially be someone's favorite, as opposed to a group of songs orbiting around one big epic. We're sure not going to have another 24-minute song on this one...gotta keep things fresh and unpredictable. :goggly:

Still waiting to hear Mirror of Souls live *taps foot*

I'll be shocked if I ever hear myself say that one of our albums is "the best we've ever done" or "my favorite." That old cliche' about albums being like children is true. I love MoS, but it doesn't have "The Serpent's Kiss" or "Theocracy," for example, just as I love the self-titled, but it doesn't have "Absolution Day" or "Laying the Demon to Rest." So it's impossible for me to compare.

That's about where you'd want to be I think. I honestly can't see how people can say a certain song, movie, book, etc. can be a complete favorite in all situations. I have rather... eclectic tastes in music. And I couldn't begin to name a favorite song, it all depends on what mood I'm in, what I'm doing at the time, what song I've had stuck in my head and has been annoying the crap out of me, so on and so forth.

Similarly, as songwriter, I'm sure you weren't feeling the same way, or had the same thoughts running through your head writing all of your songs.
Still waiting to hear Mirror of Souls live *taps foot*

I think Matt said they ran through it all the way once during a rehersal or something...but it would be awesome to play it all the way through at a concert (like Queensryche did with Operation: Mindcrime (1 & 2) or Dream Theater did with their concept album, the name of which escapes me right now), the only problem (aside from them having to play straight through a 22.5 minute long song) is their time constraints. As a fairly unknown band, they don't get very long set-times, so playing Mirror of Souls and doing it justice might not be possible right now.
I think Matt said they ran through it all the way once during a rehersal or something...but it would be awesome to play it all the way through at a concert (like Queensryche did with Operation: Mindcrime (1 & 2) or Dream Theater did with their concept album, the name of which escapes me right now), the only problem (aside from them having to play straight through a 22.5 minute long song) is their time constraints. As a fairly unknown band, they don't get very long set-times, so playing Mirror of Souls and doing it justice might not be possible right now.

lol ya. I personally would LOVE to hear it all live. It would just blow me away!
Yeah, we played it all the way through once at The Local in Marietta, GA. It was quite risky because the album wasn't even out yet.

I feel that the song really is the "whole package" deal, meaning you need the music and lyrics together to really appreciate I'm not sure how it sounded to the crowd. I'm sure it might have come across as the single longest moment at a concert to some people... :)

So it can be duplicated live... The main issue I think is when we would do it. Even on the tour, we really didn't have many chances where we could've played the whole thing. Do we play a 4 song setlist - 3 normal songs then MoS and call it a night? We tried to balance it by doing a portion of it.

I hope we can do it fully live again one day! I loved playing the second part as I think that comes across really well live as well.

Time will tell!