Shorter songs? Like ones that will you get you radio play and a larger fanbase? How many albums has it taken you guys to figure out that's how it works?

I'm just kidding, I love the longer songs. I honestly was never expecting another 20+ minute long song from you guys...the sheer amount of talent and work required to pull Mirror of Souls off had to be exhausting.
I agree with you about the difficulty in picking favorites....I prefer the production on Mirror of Souls, and I LOVE the title track, Martyr, Laying the Demon to Rest, etc. (Well, I love all of them, but those are my 3 favorite from the album), but it doesn't have Twist of Fate, the Healing Hand, or The Serpent's Kiss either (Love the counterpoint at the end of Twist of Fate, by the way)
And, once you feel like you have "peaked," I'd love for you to continue making music, so long as you stay at your peak. Skillet, for example, found the niche on Collide...but since then have gone downhill (and even went mainstream...

). But say you peak on your 6th long as your 7th is as good or almost as good as the one before it, you continuing to make music will still be a good thing. However, if you do not want to, or run out of material, or honestly feel like you aren't able to replicate your previous efforts, then I agree: it's time you (not you specifically, this goes for all bands, obviously) step down.
I don't know....60-70 minutes is a good album length IMO. It doesn't take up the entire disc, and it doesn't feel "cheap" as far as time goes. Though anything above 45 minutes it above average now-a-days.
Subject to change, sure, but I know I, for one, appreciate the information...and would buy the full CD in demo, unfinished format at full price to tide myself over

. (Well, not RIGHT now, but after I get my next get my meaning though

Any kinds of footage would be awesome...and if you guys wanted to start doing a podcast type deal, I sure wouldn't complain

By the way, I think it's awesome that you and the band members care enough to post at your own message boards.