New Celtic Frost album cover

and I think there's a spider in his mouth.he might be eating the spider.

weird cover.....I hope the band will explain the album cover in detail and not be cryptic about it.
sknight said:

Note the original band logo ^ right there is a object I don't what it is??!?!

Very creepy, very creepy.

there is object on left of his teeth.r
look'll see a "object" on left his teeth! the "object" has spots,eyes,and a mouth...
everything on his left side of his face are "live' animals and everything on right shows dead animals such as the spider and skull
his left eye looks "remorseful" and his right eye looks like a "tiger' eye..shows venagence.
I also see the horn.....looks a flock hair shaped as horn but maybe theres more to the horn than meets the eye..hopefully MARTIN AIN will explain more later...
well thats what this thread is about i guess... and these people are like mesmarized..."oooo look theres a spider in his mouth".."wait i see a tiger"
quit making excuses...the cover blows
sknight said:
You might be surprised to know that it's certainly not the case.

None of Celtic Frost's covers have ever been particularly intriguing, so why would they start now?