New Celtic Frost album cover


Are You Morbid?

Note the original band logo.
Is that going to have a polished version of Ground on it?

Edit: I looked at MA, and yes, it will! I love that song :)

Oh god, why have you foresaken me-uhh!!!
1. Progeny
2. Ground
3. A Dying God Coming Into Human Flesh
4. Drown In Ashes
5. Os Abysmi Vel Daath
6. Obscured
7. Domain Of Decay
8. Ain Elohim
9. Totengott
10. Synagoga Satanae
11. Winter (Requiem, Chapter Three: Finale)

Note the "Triptych" heading.
Yah, but Tom continues to write. IN the case of CF, the early material recorded for the album was scrapped and in a different style from what is being printed right now.

I wouldn't be surprised if the solo stuff is darker and even more personal now.
Yes, as well as working out a recording deal. In the end, the band self-financed the project to make sure they were given FULL creative control of the project. Then it had to be taken to a distribution partner, which became Century Media.

Basically, everything had to be made right and opposite to what their 80's experience was that forced them to walk away from music.
I don't know.

There have been several fans that have heard the new album in a live rehearsal at the CF bunker. It is said to be very raw, heavy, and even brutal.

We will have to see.

"Tryptich" is a term that refers to the art style of three panels, with a larger center one and two outer panels, each half the width of the center to allow them to fold onto it. Bosch's Ye Garden of Delights was like this, as much catholic art was at one point. Frost used the Hell panel for Into the Pandemonium. There is speculation about what "Tryptich" is referring to for the album's closing trilogy. "Synagoga Satanae" is some 14 minutes long.
Decibel Magazine Editor and Cheif Albert Mudrain has listed this album in his top 50 most anticipated albums of 2006. It turns out it will be called Dark Matter Manifest and the Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy/Pain) has been co-producing it with Celtic Frost. I don't massivley rate Tägtgren's work with Hypocrisy but i think that his work with Pain and the records he's produced have been very good. The significance of the "Triptych" sub heading remains to be seen.