New Chidren of Bodhom Fan


New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2014
I am just starting to get in to Children of Bodom, but they have so much material, I would like to start off listening to their best stuff. I was hoping someone could give me a list of the songs from Children of Bodom I should listen to first or that I might like the best. So far, I really like "Everytime I Die" and "Angels don't Kill." I am also a very big fan of In Flames and Dark Tranquility. Thanks.
:lol: That's too hard to answer. You have to know that Bodom is split into old and new Bodom. There is the typical neoclassical stuff, with lots of melodies, great solos and Alexis old voice on their first 3 albums which 50% prefer more and then there's the part the other 50% prefer more. The heavier albums (mostly in drop C) starting from 2005 till now. Those songs are heavier, other voice, more complex, (partly worse solos), more technical.
At last we have Hate Crew Deathroll which is in between old and new Bodom, but it seems that nobody's going to talk about that album. I don't know why because it's still good.

I'm more a fan of the newer stuff because I got bored about the old songs (except Everytime I Die) and, as a guitarist I find them more intersting. Guys like Joonas on the other side, can wank 24/7 while listening to the first 3 albums.

But I can tell you my favorite two songs of every album:

SW: Red Light In My Eyes Part.2, Touch Like Angel Of Death

HB: Wrath Within, Towards Dead End

FTR: Everytime I Die, Northern Comfort

HCDR: Bodom Beach Terror, You're Better Off Dead

AYDY: Are You Dead Yet, Trashed, Lost & Strungout

BD: Banned From Heaven

RRF: Ugly, Not My Funeral

HOB: Halo Of Blood, All Twisted
Silent Night, Bodom Night is of course the number 1 Bodom song of all time and always will be. Warheart culminates the truest Bodom soundworld. These are from the Hatebreeder album (1999).

You already heard Everytime I Die, but listen to Follow the Reaper from the same album. (2000.)

Then from the new material listen to Halo of Blood, Hellhounds On My Trail, Living Dead Beat...

You won't exactly be wasting your time :lol:
You want the atmospheric riffing songs. Listen to "If you want peace prepare for war"

Just kidding, I don't think anyone likes that song. But you seem to be digging the COB 'ballads' so far. Roundtrip to hell and back is a good one. Maybe punch me I bleed, too.

I think Bodom Beach Terror is the ultimate culmination of all the bodom sounds combined into one amazing song.
Hate Me, In Your Face, and Downfall are their most popular songs. Personally Downfall is my favorite. Anyway, I'd check out the HateCrew Deathroll album first based on what you like.
There is not one Bodom song that isn't someone's most hated and someone's most loved. Just listen to all the fucking tracks you slimy skunk.
Silent Night, Bodom Night is boring as fuck and Warheart is probably the worst song they've ever written (if there wasn't that awesome solo).

I respect your opinion but it is factually incorrect ;)

Warheart, Black Widow, Hatebreeder are wonderful songs.
yeah well you know that's just like your opinion man ©
Just because you can play SNBN doesn't mean it isn't one of their best songs. Music is emotion not math. Math is just a tool to make ideas like space ships happen.
I've never played that song in my life. It's a boring song because it's boring and I hardly doubt it's one of their best songs. Thats like always just your opinion.
Just my opinion? Well I think you're the only Bodom fan ever to call that song boring. In my opinion it's the most epic song ever made.
A song doesn't need "math" to make it good. I think SnBn is boring too, but I love ADK or ETiD. You can't say someone's opinion is wrong, only reason he argued with you is because you presented it as a fact that it is the best.

Also, @norbix, I like IYWP...PFW :lol:
But seriously... if someone asked you which songs should he check from this Bodom album, how can you choose Wrath Within over eternal masterpieces like Warheart and Silent Night?
I would probably say either of those songs too if he wanted songs from Hatebreeder. I never really liked Hatebreeder though, so I may be biased. It just never seemed to click with me other than a couple songs, and of course the fantastic solos. FtR and HCDR are my favorites
Here we talk to a wall again. Joonas, accept that Warheart is an absoultely shitty song for me. If I would start listen to Bodom for the first tim and somebody would tell me I should listen to Warheart as one of their masterpiece songs, I would skip it after 1 minute and would never listen to any Bodom song again, because if this song should be one of their bests, I don't know why I should spent any more time listening to any other songs. I would think they could only be worse. And I'm not sure if I would give Bodom a second chance if SNBN would be the first Bodom song I've ever heard.

And IFWPPFW or LB are fucking killer songs!
You can't say someone's opinion is wrong, only reason he argued with you is because you presented it as a fact that it is the best.

This guy gets it :)

But seriously... if someone asked you which songs should he check from this Bodom album, how can you choose Wrath Within over eternal masterpieces like Warheart and Silent Night?

This one... Just... *sigh*
But seriously... if someone asked you which songs should he check from this Bodom album, how can you choose Wrath Within over eternal masterpieces like Warheart and Silent Night?

Because opinions. Srs. I'm with Arcane on this one. From a guitar players point of view those songs are atrocities - just pure wank. What those songs might have in "atmosphere" they lose in the actual notes. Just so goddamn boring.

HCDR album shits all over hatebreeder anyway. I don't think HCDR has one bad song on it. All the songs are unique, have fitting "tones" and good drive behind them. Bodom beach terror is the best song on that record, and I rank it among the best bodom songs.

Lately I've been listening to BD a lot and like it a lot. The guitar and keyboard tones fit the gritty themes of the album creating a great end result. On top of that the song compositions are much more interesting to me at the moment.
Funny how you say "opinions" and proceed to speak on behalf of all guitarists :lol: Permit me to disagree as a guitarist then, i love BBT but god the chorus is "boring" - a bunch of punk chords and a lead over it. Meanwhile the warheart solo is PURE FEELS guys, PURE FEELS (it really is, dat intro). SNBN i dunno, never liked it too much but it's still a decent track - just as decent as chokehold or triple corpse. And Blooddrunk annihilates.