
I got into SX about 1 year and 3 months ago, my friend told me I listen to too much normal metal (MetallicA, Megadeth, Slayer etc) said I needed some intelligent music stuffed into my cranium.

Two days later he tossed Live on the Edge of Forever to me and told me to get myself educated, reluctantly, I spun the first CD in my laptop to rip to mp3 which is what I always do to a CD whenever someone passes me a CD, but Media Player fired up and I listened to the intro track and found it interesting. Next thing I knew Evolution came on and I was utterly blown to pieces.

Unfortunately, when I was back in Malaysia, they didn't even know what Symphony X was, and I had to go to Singapore to get all their albums, proud to say, I now own all of SX's albums, sans Odessey, which I intend to get when I'm home:devil:.
Live on TEOF is definetly an awesome album. V was my very first X album. The style of music was exactly what I was looking for at the time.
So I was hooked right away.

Take it easy Suicide.
another suicide shocks the world again
I watch in apathy

Hey Suicide, no more will to live?

What other bands interest you? Tell all about yourself in the *ahem* "are you more than metal?" thread.

Welcome to the fall.

All my love to whoever figures out what I am talking about.
First reply to Grom ....

Yes and no ... there are mingers about and fit girls about as well... apparently, girls from Ipoh, a state in central West Malaysia, are supposed to be really fit.

I can personally say with a 95% error that girls from Ipoh are hot, i know one British girl whose dad is from Ipoh and she is hot, although there is the issue of mixed blood, but hey whose counting?

Next, Yngster

Thank you and yes I do intend to stick around unless someone decides to take a big bite at me, which rarely happens.

Next, Soul,

Nah, I'm not in the mood to die yet, just that my friends reckon I'm quite suicidal so hence the handle.

... bands ... hmm first and foremost, MetallicA, Symphony X, Megadeth, Slayer, System of a Down, but I'm starting to get more into things such as Kamelot, Ayperon etc, the list stretches ... its a little short but its getting longer by the day.

BTW Thanks for the welcome, its much apperciated.
Suicide said:
Next, Soul,

Nah, I'm not in the mood to die yet, just that my friends reckon I'm quite suicidal so hence the handle.

... bands ... hmm first and foremost, MetallicA, Symphony X, Megadeth, Slayer, System of a Down, but I'm starting to get more into things such as Kamelot, Ayperon etc, the list stretches ... its a little short but its getting longer by the day.

BTW Thanks for the welcome, its much apperciated.

i didnt really think you were suicidal, when i saw the name some things popped into my head. what i wrote was kind of a puzzle BUT NO ONE SEEMS TO GET!
I feel this is the appropriate thread to make my first appearance as well. I actually come to the forum a lot, I've just been kinda shy...

I also feel the female population of this forum is quite small, so I am adding to it!

Anyway, some other band that i like besides Symphony X are Rhapsody, Kamelot, Children of Bodom, Iced Earth, Sonata Arctica, Blind the list goes on!
Hehe ... I do think that I am quite sucidal ... afterall I did jump off the 1st level of my hostel once ... fortunately I landed on grass and my martial arts training prevented me from breaking my legs, amoung other things ... hehe ... one included picking a fight with a dude that was twice my weight and 2 heads taller than me. So yeah I'm kinda suicidal ... being slightly mentally unhinged doesn't help it one bit.

Hmm... do enlighten the masses ... what puzzle doth thou did post? ... I did not see any puzzle in your post ... ok either that or my data cramming is reducing my brain capacity.:loco:

And hi Metal Chick ... yes ... Symphony X does seem to lack female fans ...... lol ... when girls ask me what kinda of bands I listen to ... they expect like crappy boy and girl bands ... and I reply ... "well mostly Symphony X" their reply tends to be ... "wow you listen to classical music?" :guh: ... how uninformed can they get? I do suspect that they do not even know what metal music is truly like, their impression is that of a satanic nutcase.
Suicide said:
Hmm... do enlighten the masses ... what puzzle doth thou did post? ... I did not see any puzzle in your post ... ok either that or my data cramming is reducing my brain capacity.:loco:

Well, I put a bunch of lyrics from a band in my post that seemed kind of appropriate at the time as responses and I wanted people to guess the band I was talking about. But it didnt happen, yet. Comeon demonspell, i know you know. Someone, anyone, enlighten these fools. :D