New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Even my grandma is currently a better death metal vocalist than Anders and she's dead.
Anders cannot sing. Anders cannot scream and his growls are average if they're something.

Great screams:

Great growls:

And yeah, mediocre singing, but it works live:

And the comparison totally make sense because Anders is pretending to be a real singer. He's tried to do lots of cleans through the past albums and he has poorly replicated them live.
Ok, so if you are trying to compare Anders vs Jake as singers, you have to take growls and screams into account. Because that what Anders does as vocalist for most of the time, especially live, also in most cases instead of using clean vocals.

If you mean a technical comparison, it's obvious, Jake easily wins some X-Factor bullshit and we're done. But you should never compare their singing style, because as I mentioned in my previous post, you can't swap them and expect good results on neither side.

Even my grandma is currently a better death metal vocalist than Anders and she's dead.
But Anders is not a death metal vocalist... And I believe that dead people generally may be better in death metal, but it's rather unfair.
Look, if you really think those vocals are any good, then there's nothing I can do, except for recommending you a good ENT specialist.
Given your age, I suppose you could give me contact to the best one out there.

And I'd love to hear your propositions of better MDM screams live, since obviously I'm missing out.
Look, if you really think those vocals are any good, then there's nothing I can do, except for recommending you a good ENT specialist.

I mean, even after the videos that @miniroch put, how can you even say that. Man can do good vocals. Please suggest us better.

How can you talk shit about Anders vocals after this one is beyond me. Just listen the first 15 sec and you will see:

I appreciate your enthusiasm to discuss this Miniroch, but bro, you're taking more of my time on this than I need on a Sunday :D

None of those songs use power metal high pitched vocals. All of Jake's do. Opera vs pop singer part two.

You're being lazy from the off with your argument here by grouping all power metal vocals under the same bracket. Which PM singer are you referring to here? Kai Hansen? Michael Kiske? Hansi Kursch? Tobias Sammett? Andre Matos? Malmsteen? Tim Owens? Jorne Lande? Russell Allen? Timo Kotipelto? Roy Khan? ZP Theart? I could go on but the point is that there is a huge, huge difference in vocal styles across the Power Metal genre. It's pretty ignorant to class them all as similar. It's the equivilent of suggesting Anders, Stanne, Speed, Gossow, etc all have the same style of vocal because they're all MDM vocalists. It's blatantly not true to anybody who listens and knows the genre. I can only guess like many people you don't really follow the PM genre and are making an assumption based on hearing a few bands like Rhapsody of Fire, Hammerfall, Helloween, etc.

With that all said, Jake's vocals are not really even similar to many of those singers. His style is a bit more raw and grounded. I could see his vocals fitting in many genres, even a pop band, whereas singers like Hansen, Kiske, etc would sound out of place in a pop song. The closest equivilent to Jake would be somebody like Roy Khan or Russell Allen who could definitely also sing across multiple genres, metal or otherwise, without sounding out of place.

SepticFlesh also uses wide variety of clean vocals, some of the songs being mostly vocal-driven (Thierantrophy). Still valid for comparison with Jake? It's not about song structure, not about genre, it's entirely about singing style, which couldn't be more different with those two guys.

But the thing is I was never comparing singing style. I was comparing how each vocalist's cleans contribute to their respective songs - and it is a valid viewpoint because much like Cyhra, In Flames in recent years has relied on the vocals to carry melody as much if not more than the instruments. How each singer's style affects that is a totally different argument, but it doesn't change the fact that (imo) Jake's style of singing is much better suited to achieve vocal melody in a song than Anders. They are both trying to achieve the same thing so of course it's a valid argument even if they are going about it in different ways.

It's pretty much obvious what the song is about... Wait, nope. It is super obvious what it is about. Because it is so basic. And so emotionless. And a call out. "Scream out loud, this is our house". And it's supported by a music video, which you just choose to ignore with "bluring the line a little". Nice.

And what Jake literally says is "This song is for people like my brother. I want them to hear this song before it's too late" (that's in the description on YT). C'mon mate :D

As I said, there's a duality with the song and the video. The song itself is actually very sad. A lot of the lines are describing the devastating impact of a suicide and how difficult it is to move on.

"I was a child that played with fire
And as my childhood fell apart
I was detained from my emotions
How can you heal a broken heart?"

Your reaction to this is "you can't, Jake, fuck you" - but where in the lyrics does Jake say that you can? He's throwing that question out there for others to answer, he isn't doing an Anders and telling everyone to take his hand and follow him.

"When they expect we'll follow patterns
I saw my dreams just disappear
Confirm your own reactions
Become a child of fear"

Again, not much hope in this verse is there? Jake once again giving us an insight into how his brother's suicide directly affected him.

"These wounds won't heal"
"It's a defiance you can never win"

"You were the brave, the bold the strongest
While I just focused on myself
You'll never meet my son and daughter
Why can't the truth be something else?"

This is again a very sad verse. Jake somewhat blaming himself for not paying enough attention to his brother when he needed him.

So, surely this song is about Jake letting out his guilt in regards to his brother's suicide and asking others to look out for each other and reach out to people who are struggling? I actually think the lyrics itself are really tragic and depressing, and it's clearly a release of sorts for Jake - "I sing to heal - remember me". He's apologising to his brother because part of him thinks he failed him, and asking others not to make the same mistakes he did and try to change things before they go too far. To dismiss that as "you are not alone and you can do it" is total bullshit and a misreading of the lyrics. If anything Jake is speaking to the people who are in a position to help, not the people who are struggling, admitting that he feels he didn't do enough to help his brother and for others to make an effort so as to not go through the same guilt he feels.

To be honest after analysing the song in better detail I have a lot more appreciation for it. Some of the lines are quite heart-wrenching. To compare it to Anders fake whiny emo bullshit is frankly insulting and ridiculous.
I appreciate your enthusiasm to discuss this Miniroch, but bro, you're taking more of my time on this than I need on a Sunday
You're right bro, let's kick it off tomorrow :D

Just this one:
Your reaction to this is "you can't, Jake, fuck you" - but where in the lyrics does Jake say that you can?
Since, again, obviously, this question Jake is giving is a rhetorical one, my answer wasn't meant to give a true response, but to signal a sign of scorn for the overall level of the lyrics. I could, and happily will, answer the same to Anders' "will somebody save me" - fuck you Anders, nobody will. Because that's invaluable, lazy, primitive writing, bringing nothing to the table.
Given your age, I suppose you could give me contact to the best one out there.

And I'd love to hear your propositions of better MDM screams live, since obviously I'm missing out.
Lol. Just pick any live melodeath video. Except for In Flames. Just... Don't.
I mean, even after the videos that @miniroch put, how can you even say that. Man can do good vocals. Please suggest us better.

How can you talk shit about Anders vocals after this one is beyond me. Just listen the first 15 sec and you will see:

Your opinion doesn't count unless you stop touching your dixk while listening to Anders. How mich time has passed? 15 years? Lol.

15 years ago I lasted for hours doing sex. Now it's just "wanna have sex?' "Yes. Wait! No! I'm done." :D
Since, again, obviously, this question Jake is giving is a rhetorical one, my answer wasn't meant to give a true response, but to signal a sign of scorn for the overall level of the lyrics. I could, and happily will, answer the same to Anders' "will somebody save me" - fuck you Anders, nobody will. Because that's invaluable, lazy, primitive writing, bringing nothing to the table.

Well, I agree that it is a bit of a lazy/generic line, but I think the overall lyrics are fine for what the song is conveying. It would be weird if he was getting too complex with what is a raw and quite emotional subject.
Your opinion doesn't count unless you stop touching your dixk while listening to Anders. How mich time has passed? 15 years? Lol.

15 years ago I lasted for hours doing sex. Now it's just "wanna have sex?' "Yes. Wait! No! I'm done." :D

Well I remember that @DE4life attended to an IF concert this year and I remember that he was happy with Anders's performance. Cmon mate, give me a hand on this one. :D
Lol. Just pick any live melodeath video. Except for In Flames. Just... Don't.

Not even close to screams... harsh at max, especially losing it since 2:00 mark.

Bland, nowhere as deep as on album, struggling with slower parts.

Amorphis is mostly about growls, so I could only think of this chorus:

It's ok, but just a slightly higher pitched than his growls.

The boards favourite, Bjorn:

Struggling with screams, switches to growl/shout.

I saw 3 out of those 4 bands (still waiting for MPE to come) and I was never impressed with their screams, with DT being an awful dissapointment. Bjorn and Tomi are absolute fucking beasts on stage, but their screams are nowhere near good. Bjorn mostly stopped using them, Tomi never really did (been to Soilwork and Amorphis both this year, they had a tour together). MPE is all about screams, and guess what - they're mediocre.

The only two bands I can think of having spot on live screams are Norther and At The Gates, with the latter having shriek vocals which I don't dig that much... Leaving me with just this one choice:

Well I remember that @DE4life attended to an IF concert this year and I remember that he was happy with Anders's performance. Cmon mate, give me a hand on this one. :D
I saw them in June. Performance and contact with audience was on spot, but the setlist sucked. One thing that caught me was Call My Name being nice live. Here Until Forever and (Bracket Song) are beyond saving.
Well I remember that @DE4life attended to an IF concert this year and I remember that he was happy with Anders's performance. Cmon mate, give me a hand on this one. :D

His growls were excellent. He seemed to be using a proper technique for the first time ever, and as a result his harsh vocals were powerful and lasted the whole set. The cleans were usually drowned out by the instruments/backing track so can't really comment on those.
The good thing about Anders growls is that he's the only one suffering when doing that
If I judged his current technique correctly then I doubt he's suffering much if at all. The growls are all lower register from the diaphram, which has little to no impact on the throat. If he had started using that technique twenty years ago his voice would probably be in far better shape than it is right now.

Maybe Anders finally got his hands on this DVD.
If I judged his current technique correctly then I doubt he's suffering much if at all. The growls are all lower register from the diaphram, which has little to no impact on the throat. If he had started using that technique twenty years ago his voice would probably be in far better shape than it is right now.

Maybe Anders finally got his hands on this DVD.
From what I've heard he's suffering. Not as much as with his screams, but I have noticed that. It's something on how his vocal chords resonate.

And, I know that we wanted him to stop singing cleans, or pretending. And I know that we all noticed how he couldnñt scream anymore. So it's good that he decided to growl. A technique that requires a lower effort (since he's also sinigng on lower notes). But the hype is just too high for what he's doing. And I mean, he's correct, but people is talking as if he's way better tha he really is.

And being correct is ok when compared to his awful cleans.
Cyhra have posted that Jesper is sitting out of the latest tour again.

"We don't want anybody to feel caught off guard about not seeing Jesper at the shows. Please know that he is still a member of Cyhra, and is with us in spirit at every show."
Cyhra have posted that Jesper is sitting out of the latest tour again.

"We don't want anybody to feel caught off guard about not seeing Jesper at the shows. Please know that he is still a member of Cyhra, and is with us in spirit at every show."
Is this the bigger tour next month with Warbeast ?
Yeah I believe so. Doesn't sound like he's going to be back any time soon.