New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Cyhra releasing boring music doesn't make (most of) the new IF songs or Anders voice any better.

Not sure why are you against this? Anders and crew would love to be able to pull off stuff like this. Short simple songs with endless clean sung choruses on the loop.

And please don't say a word about originality. The only reason IF is "original" is the singers total absence of ability to sing.

"Wow, crowd having so much fun I wish I could be there!!"

Hmm, I wonder where did I mention In Flames or Anders on this sentence..

I know you're heartbroken by this awful music but it has nothing to do with In Flames or Anders. Maybe you should message to your boy Jake.
You can't praise IF latest releases then call Cyhra's music "awful". It's essentially the same pop template, just with an actual singer and more creative riffs (compared to SC & Battles, anyway).
"Wow, crowd having so much fun I wish I could be there!!"

Hmm, I wonder where did I mention In Flames or Anders on this sentence..

I know you're heartbroken by this awful music but it has nothing to do with In Flames or Anders. Maybe you should message to your boy Jake.
We all know that you're posting here just to make fun and to compare with Anders and In Flames. Even if you do not mention them.
You can't praise IF latest releases then call Cyhra's music "awful". It's essentially the same pop template, just with an actual singer and more creative riffs (compared to SC & Battles, anyway).
The main difference between sc/battles and itm is the guitar work that makes the last album far better than the previous releases.
Yeah well, labels think this sells.

"Wow, crowd having so much fun I wish I could be there!!"

Hmm, I wonder where did I mention In Flames or Anders on this sentence..

I know you're heartbroken by this awful music but it has nothing to do with In Flames or Anders. Maybe you should message to your boy Jake.

1) As eochaid said, we all know what your "hidden" meaning is. Just get over it.

2) Not heartbroken at all, but again, judging by the shit you like in IF discography, why aren't you liking this? I'm criticizing the same thing here and there.

Even songs like this run rings around pathetic stuff like SC or Battles.

3) "My boy Jake" - lol not sure why? I wanted a growl vocalist for this band. That being said - the guy can write a song, has a good voice and range AND he can pull off his stuff live. I can appreciate that even if he's not my cup of tea.
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The main difference between sc/battles and itm is the guitar work that makes the last album far better than the previous releases.

Also Anders' vocals on ITM are wayyyy better than SC & Battles. Partially because the production is a lot better, but also because he's doing a lot of proper growling for a change and protooled his cleans to be a bit less annoying than usual.

With that said, it's still the basic pop song template so musically there still isn't much difference between how Jake and Anders/Bjorn write their music.
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You can't praise IF latest releases then call Cyhra's music "awful". It's essentially the same pop template, just with an actual singer and more creative riffs (compared to SC & Battles, anyway).

You cant just call this song "the same pop template" or awful. So, you're just wrong.

We all know that you're posting here just to make fun and to compare with Anders and In Flames. Even if you do not mention them.

Not really. I really liked a few songs from Cyhra's first album so I'm checking the new songs and comment about it.

1) As eochaid said, we all know what your "hidden" meaning is. Just get over it.

2) Not heartbroken at all, but again, judging by the shit you like in IF discography, why aren't you liking this? I'm criticizing the same thing here and there.

Even songs like this run rings around pathetic stuff like SC or Battles.

3) "My boy Jake" - lol not sure why? I wanted a growl vocalist for this band. That being said - the guy can write a song, has a good voice and range AND he can pull off his stuff live. I can appreciate that even if he's not my cup of tea.

1) There's no hidden message, I'm not a member of Illuminati or some shit. :D

2) Why should I like this pop kinda song anyway dude, its just a boring song with boring vocals. Nothing special at all, I can find hundreds of songs like that. I have also criticized In Flames for "The Truth and House.

3) Sure he can pull the songs live and thats very good for him. But that doesnt change the fact that songs plus vocals are bad.

You cant just call this song "the same pop template" or awful. So, you're just wrong.

Calm down chief, I never called this song or ITM in general "awful", you're the only one banding that word around :D but of course it's the same basic pop-metal template. Verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, standard IF solo, back to pre-chorus and chorus. Just because Anders is screaming the verses doesn't change the song structure - and it's not like the structure is bad anyway. It works fine here because it's a good song with great riffs, vocals, etc. Same as a lot of songs from LtM.

Calling Cyhra "awful" is just dense and simply borne of a desire to shit on them imo. The first album was far from awful and although the first song from the new album was generic as fuck, it's still not awful. We're yet to hear any other studio tracks so I don't think you or anybody else can make a comment on that yet.
Cyhra - Dreams gone wrong

This is soooo generic.

Disagree. I think this is the best new song yet because it is energetic. Much better than the others. Only problem is the harmonized part at the end is way too short. Should’ve been 30s longer with some other cool soloing.

Damn I really like the vibe on this song. It stands out from most of the others. It’s upbeat and energetic, good stuff. End is too short but I guess it keeps you wanting more. The middle solo vocal part is good.

I don’t know, the vocals and everything sound stronger, less whiny and emo on this song. Dare I say more power metal?
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I have my suspicions that there will be a fairly significant PM influence on this album.
So, the second single "Battles From Within" has been released...

Ermmm.... :D remember when I said I was getting a strong PM vibe from the album titles? Sorry guys, but after hearing this I'm now pretty sure we're getting a heavily PM inspired album. The song itself is OK at best, certainly nothing special but for what it's worth I like it more than the first single.

After listening to the first two singles my first question would be where are all the fucking riffs and melodies we were promised? So far this album sounds like it's going to have LESS of them than LtM, not more.
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I just hate it when bands are full of shit (In Flames tm).

Now, I'm just your regular metalhead, and for me a more "live oriented" sound means straightforward songs with strong riffs, cool solos and stuff like that. In World of Cyhra "more riffs and melodies" + "live oriented" means generic pop songs with drums, vocals, bass (without a bass player) and a lot of randomly placed cheap electronics (without a keyboard player).

This song is 4 minutes of nothing. They took the worst elements of the first album and made them the foundation of the second album. It is not terrible as far as pop songs go, but I forgot 99.9% of it the moment song ended.

And WTF with that subdued guitar sound? I mean, what is the point of a rock/metal band without electric guitars?
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It's kind of hard to even class "Battles From Within" as metal tbh. It's got a power metal kind of vibe to it, but pretty much every PM band I've listened to has a harder sound than that. Hell, Amaranthe sound significantly harder than that. The instruments are so soft that combined with the vocals and electronics it's more like a rock track.

Have to say this is not the direction I was expecting Cyhra to go.
It is really hard to classify this song as... well, anything. It is certainly not a metal song, it's not a hard rock song, not really a rock song. Not even a good pop song. Very bland and average in every aspect.

This is our house was at least a terrible song you can hate. This... you can't say anything good or bad about it. It is just pointless. Songs like this should never be recorded.

Pleasant-ish chord progression, some random sounds, generic chorus just because every song should have a chorus. A feel no deeper meaning, emotion or anything in this. Not sure Jesper even had something to do with this one.
So, the second single "Battles From Within" has been released...

Ermmm.... :D remember when I said I was getting a strong PM vibe from the album titles? Sorry guys, but after hearing this I'm now pretty sure we're getting a heavily PM inspired album. The song itself is OK at best, certainly nothing special but for what it's worth I like it more than the first single.

After listening to the first two singles my first question would be where are all the fucking riffs and melodies we were promised? So far this album sounds like it's going to have LESS of them than LtM, not more.

Popped up on my music library this morning.

Now THIS is the definition of generic.

What the hell are they thinking releasing this as a second song?
Not sure Jesper even had something to do with this one.
Or maybe he wrote it. And that’s why it wasn’t deleted.

Now it’s making more sense why it took them forever to find a label. This is the music they recorded by themself, no pressure from labels. Metal labels were probably like “uhhh.....”. Were they aiming for a Sony contract or something and didn’t get it?