New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Been listening that new song again. First of all, Jake is a good singer, even live he's hitting all the right notes.

I have two problems with the song. First, verses are too slow and pop-like. Second, I don't like Euges style of soloing. It's just wanking with a touch of '80 and pleasant vibrato.

With a more meaningful solo (see Vanhala on new Insomnium album) and some steel in the verses (faster tempo, good riff) it would actually be a good tune.
Been listening that new song again. First of all, Jake is a good singer, even live he's hitting all the right notes.

I have two problems with the song. First, verses are too slow and pop-like. Second, I don't like Euges style of soloing. It's just wanking with a touch of '80 and pleasant vibrato.

With a more meaningful solo (see Vanhala on new Insomnium album) and some steel in the verses (faster tempo, good riff) it would actually be a good tune.
I think the solo in a live performance sounds great. It’s true, on the album we might call it wanking. But without hearing the album version it’s hard to say.

The frustrating thing to me is that they have all the right ingredients to be an amazing metal band, but they are just making a conscious decision to hold back or go in a different direction.
Anders cannot sing. How is that being on anotber level?

Jake is a great live vocalist. The problem is the kind of things that he wants to sing.

I didn't claimed that Anders can sing better than Jake, I said he was the better vocalist. Don't know why you're twisting my words just to be right.

Every Cyhra song feels like the same and your Jake-e boy is the reason. They trying to make epic chorus songs but they can't because he's not a good vocalist, doesnt matter if he can sings them live or shit if the songs are not good.

Ciko and Slave literally said exactly that, because Anders is "unique" :D pretty sure they're just trolling at this point though.

Cmon man, how could you even deny that? Anders's voice is unique. On the other thread (or this one I dont know) someone put some MDM songs and you guys said it was shit because of the vocals. In Flames is the best of the business because they have unique melodic guitars PLUS vocals. I know you wont admit it here but it wont change the fact.
I didn't claimed that Anders can sing better than Jake, I said he was the better vocalist.


Every Cyhra song feels like the same and your Jake-e boy is the reason. They trying to make epic chorus songs but they can't because he's not a good vocalist, doesnt matter if he can sings them live or shit if the songs are not good.
He's... not... a... good... vocalist...

Lets see what the word vocalist means. Just as a reference:

"A person who sings is called a singer or vocalist (in jazz and popular music)."

"What's the difference between singer and vocalist?
A singer is one who sings film songs or sometimes referred to as a playback singer. On the other hand, a vocalist is the one who sings classical music. ... In other words, it can be said that a classical singer is called a vocalist, whereas a playback singer is simply called by the name singer."

Cambridge dictionary:
"a person who sings, especially with a group who play popular music:"

vo·cal·ist | \ ˈvō-kə-list

Definition of vocalist
: singer"

Is it clear to you now? Tell me now how Anders is a better "vocalist" than Jake.
No. I won't. And Anders isn't also a great growler by tbe way.

But his singing skills go from poor to nonexistent.
Overall, so far Anders > Jake E.

Maybe on this new album Jake E. is going to get brutal. Or at least push his limits.

At least Anders pushes himself, to mixed success.

So far Jake E. just sounds too comfortable.
Pushing oneself doesn't mean anything when talking about quality. If you think that Jake is comfortable try to raide and lower your tone as he does in some songs. If you're able to do that then you're yet a better singer than Anders is.

There is no way, strictly talning about singing skills, that someone that cannot make a decent live is better than a skilled vocalist.

When Anders growls his voice is suffering. When Anderd screams his voice is suffering. When Anders "sings" our ears are suffering.
Pushing oneself doesn't mean anything when talking about quality. If you think that Jake is comfortable try to raide and lower your tone as he does in some songs. If you're able to do that then you're yet a better singer than Anders is.

There is no way, strictly talning about singing skills, that someone that cannot make a decent live is better than a skilled vocalist.
I’m not saying Anders is a better singer. I’m saying he’s a better vocalist/frontman over his entire career. Both vocalists have their strengths and weaknesses.

When Anders growls his voice is suffering. When Anderd screams his voice is suffering.
To me his best vocals are TJR/Whoracle/Colony. He sounded passionate and yeah, he suffered. But it sounded great. He sacrificed his voice and that became apparent on Clayman when his voice was blown out. But that doesn’t take away anything from his earlier performances. In fact, to me, it adds to it. He gave 120% and didn’t hold anything back. If nothing else, he deserves that respect.

When Anders "sings" our ears are suffering.
Same reason why Insomnium can’t compete with early In Flames. They are controlled, way too focused on technique. By the book. Sustainable. All the things I DON’T listen to metal for.

It’s like a tempered instrument. Or auto-tuned vocals. If everything is perfect then something is off. The imperfection adds character, interest.

But hey, I’m also a fan of early Burzum vocals and totally agreed with Varg’s intent of never playing live. Everything went into those recordings. There’s nothing left! It’s irreproducible! It was a one time thing! And the moment was captured on CD. That’s enough.

I judge live shows different than recordings. I think Cyhra sounded pretty awesome in that song live. The song could be composed better, but they sounded good. On a recording it might not be so great. Because I have countless other recordings and moments — special ones — I can pull up.
I’m not saying Anders is a better singer. I’m saying he’s a better vocalist/frontman over his entire career. Both vocalists have their strengths and weaknesses
A vocalist is a singer. That's the definition of it. Frontman... I cannot say because I've never seen a full shiw with Jake.

New Same reason why Insomnium can’t compete with early In Flames. They are controlled, way too focused on technique. By the book. Sustainable. All the things I DON’T listen to metal for.

I never thought of insomnium as controlled or focused in technique. Their music has lots of emotion and they have different influences than In Flames.

To me, the definition of bands focused on technique are Children of Bodom and Arch Enemy.
To me, the definition of bands focused on technique are Children of Bodom and Arch Enemy.
Agree they focus on technique. But I’m talking only about vocals. I don’t hear a lot of emotion in Insomnium vocals. They sound pretty much the same in all the songs.
Agree they focus on technique. But I’m talking only about vocals. I don’t hear a lot of emotion in Insomnium vocals. They sound pretty much the same in all the songs.
It's not like that for me. The cleans are pretty average. The growls are death metal growls but they have different hues. As Anders had different hues in the old days when he used to scream.

What I mean is that, just talking about emotion, I see nondifference between insomnium growls and Anders screams.
A vocalist is a singer. That's the definition of it.

I disagree. Singing is singing and screaming is screaming, but both can be considered "vocals" in metal and therefore both would fall under the category of vocalist. But I don't consider somebody who growls/screams to be a singer. I don't think 'official' definitions take extreme metal bands into account :D

As an aside I think comparing harsh vocals to clean vocals is pointless anyway. Two totally different styles of vocals.

Is Jake a better singer than Anders? Yes, obviously. Jake can hit notes, hold a tune, sound as good live as on CD. Anders can do none of these things. It's not even a contest.

Is Anders a better extreme metal vocalist than Jake? Yeah, based on history of Jake never doing harsh vocals you'd have to say so.

Who's the better overall vocalist? Depends on what you like. If you're a fan of harsh vocals then Anders is obviously your man. If you prefer proper singing then it's Jake. As far as being a frontman is concerned, I'd give Anders the edge purely due to the amount of experience he has, but from what I've seen Jake isn't bad either.
Harsh vocals. Can Anders do them without his voice suffering? From what I've heard... No. This time is not about being a bad or good growler or screamer, thing he's been average considering other desth metal vocalists.

As for singing. Can Anders be on tone even when doing screams or growls? When there are plain vocal lines he can. If he has to scream a succesion of higher and lower tones then he can't.

And people has been critizicing his screams, live, since ever. Being the only exception a period of a couple of years.

Then, more importantly. Who, of them, is better at his style of vocals? No doubt is jake. If the both of them were to pass a vocal test Jaje would always win over Anders.

Yes. People might say that they prefer Anders style. But that's a mere subjective opinion. There's no objective way of proving that Anders is a better singer, vocalist, frontman, than Jake. Just the opposite.

Also, you know that, for some reason, people seems to be in love with Anders cleans. Probably because of a mental disease or deafness.
Wow, crowd having so much fun I wish I could be there!!

Cyhra releasing boring music doesn't make (most of) the new IF songs or Anders voice any better.

Not sure why are you against this? Anders and crew would love to be able to pull off stuff like this. Short simple songs with endless clean sung choruses on the loop.

And please don't say a word about originality. The only reason IF is "original" is the singers total absence of ability to sing.