New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Now it’s making more sense why it took them forever to find a label. This is the music they recorded by themself, no pressure from labels. Metal labels were probably like “uhhh.....”. Were they aiming for a Sony contract or something and didn’t get it?

I find it pretty hilarious that they spent this long hyping and waiting to release the album, and then the first two songs they release are generic enough to have been written and recorded on the same fucking day. Practically zero creativity.
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At least the first song was average/good with flaws. 5/10 or 7/10 depending on your scale.

The only way this second single was chosen must have been the result of massive overthinking. Logic gone wrong. Trying to get on the radio or something.

I’m betting there are much better songs on this album.

By the way, WTF is going on with the “jumping Mario” noises around 0:55?
They have a weird obsession with putting stupid electronic sounds all over their songs. It's aggravating and unnecessary. There's a part in Here To Save You where an abrasive electronic sound randomly appears for about ten seconds before vanishing and it totally fucks up the flow of the song.

Overall I'm just not sure what demographic or audience they are trying to hit with this type of music.
I can answer that. 2 to 7 years old.

As I said before, novody cares about electronics. Nobody praises the bands for the electeonics. Still they keep on putting them as if is something cool.

Electeonics are the JarJar Binks of metal.
I actually find the chorus on "Battles from Within" to be really strong, probably one of the best they've done (including LtM), but the rest of the song is just so empty and the music itself is so neutered with no edge or bite to it. With a bit of time spent on the structure, production and adding better riffs and less electronics this could have been a strong track. A shame.
I like it. Great vocal melody and performance, nice riffing going on as it ends. It's like one of IF mid-era (CC/ASOP/SOAPF) chorus but with a singer who can actually sing and the guitars toned down massively.
So this song is a personal matter to Jake. He's tlaking about his deceased brother. Maybe this is why they chose it as a single. He also directed the video.

And, just my opinion, the verses are heavily influenced by 30 Seconds to Mars "This is War".
Not to be cruel but it seems a bit odd to include a tribute to his dead brother on an album titled "No Halos in Hell" :yow:

But the album should have been called something different anyway imo. Album title and artwork in no way represent the music.
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And... The people in Facebook loves it. I hope they are not the ones complaining about IF musical direction.
Of course they do. These kinds of fans will lap up everything Cyhra puts out.
Hey dont you guys try to compare Cyhra and IF! I know you guys have hidden messages, dont you dare!

Btw new Cyhra song: awful. But hey, Jake can sing it live so it must be good.
At least he doesn't make me want to rip off my ears, put them in a box and throw it into the deepest pit. :D

In your case, that would be the dick :D.
After a few more spins of "Battles From Within" it actually makes me appreciate Jake's voice a lot more. He's really holding the song together with his vocal melodies and overall quality.

That's the difference between Anders & Jake. When IF started removing the instruments (particularly on Siren Charms) and relied solely on Anders vocals to carry the songs, it was a total fucking disaster and made for one of the worst IF albums ever. Anders' voice is nowhere near good enough to carry a song or album by itself. Jake however can actually sing and has a great voice, so he can make it work even if it's not really what any of us are hoping for.
It's a little thing, but when he holds that note on the final word of the chorus and the guitar melodies are playing behind him... that's pretty cool. I like that a lot. Anders would NEVER be able to achieve the same thing. He can't hold a note and the ProTooling of his voice drains it of any power or authenticity.
My god, that new track is cringy trash :D Feels like a powerless power metal, not interesting in any aspect at all. Lyrically reminds me of those new Disturbed bullshit with posting survivors who survived through tough times, blah, blah, blah... Also, written by 10yo. With a million ways to go on this topic, they took the usual route of you are not alone and you can do it. "How do you heal a broken heart", fuck you Jake, you don't.

And why would you even compare Jake and Anders? C'mon guys, if it's about who's the best singer per se, go listen to some Whitney Houston, she was really neat. Or Nightwish and Epica, the girls are killing it.
It's a totally different style of music, with absolutely different style of singing. Feels like comparing an opera singer to a pop star, absolutely pointless.

It's a little thing, but when he holds that note on the final word of the chorus and the guitar melodies are playing behind him... that's pretty cool. I like that a lot. Anders would NEVER be able to achieve the same thing.
Yeah, I'm sure Jake can hold his 10 second scream at the end of Like You Better Dead. Achievable in no time, because that's what every power metal singer can do, just decides he won't.

I don't mind Anders and Stanne comparison (great cleans, poor harsh), Niilo (terrific growls, no cleans), Bjorn Strid (overall great singer), but don't just go jumping to some other category in which they do not compete at all. It's so much easier to go from Jake to Aryana Grande than Anders to Jake. Or if you will, I'd love to see some discussion whether Thierry Henry was better than Michael Jordan (he was).
It's a totally different style of music, with absolutely different style of singing. Feels like comparing an opera singer to a pop star, absolutely pointless.

Very strange comment in that it completely ignores SOAPF, Siren Charms and Battles, which featured a significant amount of clean vocals from Anders. Siren Charms in particular is a heavily vocal-driven album which has songs like Through Oblivion and Dead Eyes which make exclusive use of clean vocal melodies with largely pop structures, which is very similar to what Cyhra is doing (although the latter do it much better). Even from the most recent album you can take songs like Follow Me, We Will Remember and Stay With Me which use that same formula. You may choose to believe it's totally different but I'm afraid you're wrong.

they took the usual route of you are not alone and you can do it. "How do you heal a broken heart", fuck you Jake, you don't.

In your haste to trash the song you seem to have completely misinterpreted or misheard the lyrics. They literally aren't saying that at all. It's clearly about the struggle of accepting a person's death/suicide and the realisation that you'll never really get over it. Yes it's a call out to those people who are suffering with these emotions, but the lyrics are obviously saying that you DON'T heal from a broken heart, you just live with it and try to push on. The song is a direct message to his brother, and an acknowledgement of those who are dealing with something similar.

"For the lonely, the forgotten,
All those memories in common
It's a silent pain of dreams that won't come true
For you

To the mothers, and the fathers
To the son who needs his brother
It's a forced defiance you can never win
The battle from within"

How anybody could interpret that as "you are not alone and you can do it" is genuinely beyond me. The video blurs the lines a little but it's obviously asking anybody feeling the same way to try and remember that there are people out there who care about them, and Jake's lyrics are a reminder of the impact a suicide can have on the people left behind.

Yeah, I'm sure Jake can hold his 10 second scream at the end of Like You Better Dead. Achievable in no time, because that's what every power metal singer can do, just decides he won't.

Yeah, we've already had this conversation a couple of pages back. See my comments below.

As an aside I think comparing harsh vocals to clean vocals is pointless anyway. Two totally different styles of vocals.

Is Jake a better singer than Anders? Yes, obviously. Jake can hit notes, hold a tune, sound as good live as on CD. Anders can do none of these things. It's not even a contest.

Is Anders a better extreme metal vocalist than Jake? Yeah, based on history of Jake never doing harsh vocals you'd have to say so.

Who's the better overall vocalist? Depends on what you like. If you're a fan of harsh vocals then Anders is obviously your man. If you prefer proper singing then it's Jake. As far as being a frontman is concerned, I'd give Anders the edge purely due to the amount of experience he has, but from what I've seen Jake isn't bad either.

Obviously if you had read the last two pages of the thread you would (or should) have understood the context of my posts, but you either didn't or chose to ignore it in favour of lashing out. Jake has never tried to do screams because he knows what he's good at. Anders has and often does try to sing in pop style, going all the way back to Metaphor on Reroute. In past few albums especially his cleans have started to become more dominant over the harsh vocals, so there's clearly a valid comparison to be made between the pair of them and how their singing impacts their music. It's nothing to do with the harsh vocals as they are a completely seperate category.
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Very strange comment in that it completely ignores SOAPF, Siren Charms and Battles, which featured a significant amount of clean vocals from Anders. Siren Charms in particular is a heavily vocal-driven album which has songs like Through Oblivion and Dead Eyes which make exclusive use of clean vocal melodies with largely pop structures, which is very similar to what Cyhra is doing (although the latter do it much better). Even from the most recent album you can take songs like Follow Me, We Will Remember and Stay With Me which use that same formula. You may choose to believe it's totally different but I'm afraid you're wrong.
None of those songs use power metal high pitched vocals. All of Jake's do. Opera vs pop singer part two.
SepticFlesh also uses wide variety of clean vocals, some of the songs being mostly vocal-driven (Thierantrophy). Still valid for comparison with Jake? It's not about song structure, not about genre, it's entirely about singing style, which couldn't be more different with those two guys. And how is Through Oblivion pop? If you mean just structure (verse, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, verse, chorus, chorus)... it's same on Gyroscope except for the last chorus missing ;)
If you're fine with singing vs singing, feel free to try Whitney vs Jake, but I don't see it making any point. Anders is "not great, not terrible" singer and it's obvious that his skills are so much worse than Jake's, but he doesn't even try to match this singing style, going in totally different direction and trying to make his life easier for live performances (except for In This Life), which pays off in actual gigs.

As for SOAPF, I wouldn't call most of it "clean vocals". They're somewhere on the brink of screams, sometimes reaching this border (The Puzzle), sometimes fully going for it (A New Dawn).

In your haste to trash the song you seem to have completely misinterpreted or misheard the lyrics. They literally aren't saying that at all.
Ok, so let's go through it one at a time.

"How do you heal a broken heart" is an actual quote. He did write that. And it is awful writing, "Drained" Anders level.

They literally aren't saying that at all
Yes it's a call out to those people who are suffering with these emotions
you just live with it and try to push on
Ok, so in the end it is a call out and it says that you have to live with it and push on. And yeah, I forgot. There is hope.

It's pretty much obvious what the song is about... Wait, nope. It is super obvious what it is about. Because it is so basic. And so emotionless. And a call out. "Scream out loud, this is our house". And it's supported by a music video, which you just choose to ignore with "bluring the line a little". Nice.

And what Jake literally says is "This song is for people like my brother. I want them to hear this song before it's too late" (that's in the description on YT). C'mon mate :D

Just for lyrical comparison, with similar theme. Katatonia - Departer:
The blinding white
So far behind I am
And running
Over idle ground
This evening
I kept my word
Did you
I'm turning around
Wait for your sound

Only so far
According to who
The journey of our lives
I'm (when) so slow (did)
Compared to you (you first stay)
Departer (I swear it's the truth)
It's the month of July

In your eyes I was the stronger
So how am I to cover you now
Without shadowing your path
This time
I watch from the sidelines
Your ghost in the limelight
Face your fears
And pierce the night

So close
If only you knew
The story of our lives
I'm so (why) rash (would I swear)
Compared to you
Surrender (You know it's the truth)
It's the path of our lives

Obviously if you had read the last two pages of the thread you would (or should) have understood the context of my posts, but you either didn't or chose to ignore it in favour of lashing out. Jake has never tried to do screams because he knows what he's good at. Anders has and often does try to sing in pop style, going all the way back to Metaphor on Reroute. In past few albums especially his cleans have started to become more dominant over the harsh vocals, so there's clearly a valid comparison to be made between the pair of them and how their singing impacts their music. It's nothing to do with the harsh vocals as they are a completely seperate category.
I did read those, since I only skip JesterSlave big analysis, but... it's not only about you making those comparisons, with Ciko, Galvanized, Eochaid being involved?
And back to the beginning, Anders' cleans are not in any terms similar. Jake is playing in the power metal league and that's totally different. On the Battles From Within almost every single line ends with a vibrato and the chorus goes pitch crazy. Friden is nowhere close to this showing off with ornaments being included at almost every point, probably because he knows he couldn't pull it off, also, because it wouldn't match tracks style. The thing is, take any other power metal vocalist and Jake is easily replaced. Take Jake in place of Anders or vice versa and boy, you have a problem. Hence why they shouldn't be compared.
Lol. Another burned soul.

Anders cannot sing. Anders cannot scream and his growls are average if they're something.

He can only do thise things at the studio with the help of protools and an infinite amount of takes.

And the comparison totally make sense because Anders is pretending to be a real singer. He's tried to do lots of cleans through the past albums and he has poorly replicated them live.

In the end, live is what matters. If you compare them both live, in their own styles, then jake is 1000 times better on what he does than Anders.