New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

I find those choruses... Ridiculous.

I can deal with pop-influenced metal, but those choruses take it too far. If I want to hear shit like that there are a million manufactured groups and artists doing those kind of lame, simple, "catchy" chorus types. I want and expect a lot more from a metal band and especially from a group like Cyhra, who have way too much talent to be going down such a basic, uncreative route. I get the feeling this is the kind of stuff Jake likes though, so, we'll probably get more rather than less of this stuff in the future.

As an aside, is Jake into BDSM or something? Hit me harder, the pleasure is mine? OK. TMI.
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On the same note, I’ve got to give props to Anders and Bjorn. Compared to Jake, Anders is far far disadvantaged in singing talent. But the new In Flames album is so far ahead of these Cyhra albums it’s not even a fair fight.

In Flames is definitely operating at a much higher level.
I rank LtM and ITM more or less than same, but yes ITM is streets ahead of Halos.

Also not sure how you couldn't want to go back and listen to Karma or Closure again tbh, those songs are incredible. The rest of the album I can understand being take it or leave it, depending on if you're digging it, but Karma/Closure are both just awesome metal songs.
I am The One and Bye Bye are two fun tracks. They are like watered down Hammerfall. Hit Me has a catchy chorus but the rest of the song is so disjointed from it.

Overall a boring record, but at least we don't have to argue about whether these guys can actually do more than metal pop or not. They can't. The lyrics are shit but they were shit on L2M, so no surprise there. Except for Liar, which I had to turn off after 1 minute, because that is where I draw the line with shit lyrics, though the "I had your back" or whatever the fuck it is called song was also bordering it.

Also, what are you smoking that you think theseelectronics are worse than on L2M? They were already intrusive enough. Maybe that was shit and this is shit-1, but that's pretty much the same at this point.

Jesper should become a producer. There were some nice guitar riffs, but they got drown out by the sugary shit. And no, I am not talking about the medleys. Those were so out of place that they were almost more embarassing than the lyrics or the electronics. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make a pop metal album, I think L2M was pretty decent, but don't try to be something you are clearly not. Anyway, IF had some really fucking good electronics back in the day, so I personally trust Jesper with the keyboards. Alias, OFTW or the entirety of Soundtrack, really. Find an up and coming band and help them. Maybe it would have some therapeutic merit to it, like fathering children. Cyhra right now is so embarassingly under his capabilities, that even if he could perform live, it would be an insult. You don't need a guitarist for this, let alone Jesper.

I can't comment on the production too much, because I only listened with normal earphones and on the train, but how the fuck did they choose that song as their opener? How did they go from Karma to that? The very first song of every record should peak your interest. It doesn't have to be Karma, but for the love of god, don't put your dullest song there.
I rank LtM and ITM more or less than same, but yes ITM is streets ahead of Halos.

Also not sure how you couldn't want to go back and listen to Karma or Closure again tbh, those songs are incredible. The rest of the album I can understand being take it or leave it, depending on if you're digging it, but Karma/Closure are both just awesome metal songs.
Karma is too much of an obvious appeal to IF fans for me to enjoy. To me it’s the same as them writing “the next thing in metal”. It’s tricky marketing bullshit designed to make everyone check them out. Without Karma this thread might not exist.
I can't comment on the production too much, because I only listened with normal earphones and on the train, but how the fuck did they choose that song as their opener? How did they go from Karma to that? The very first song of every record should peak your interest. It doesn't have to be Karma, but for the love of god, don't put your dullest song there.
Hit Me would have been the perfect way to open the album.

Haters (like me I guess) would be disappointed after 30s but that will happen anyway. Better to be upfront with it.
Jesper should become a producer. There were some nice guitar riffs, but they got drown out by the sugary shit. And no, I am not talking about the medleys. Those were so out of place that they were almost more embarassing than the lyrics or the electronics. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make a pop metal album, I think L2M was pretty decent, but don't try to be something you are clearly not. Anyway, IF had some really fucking good electronics back in the day, so I personally trust Jesper with the keyboards. Alias, OFTW or the entirety of Soundtrack, really. Find an up and coming band and help them. Maybe it would have some therapeutic merit to it, like fathering children. Cyhra right now is so embarassingly under his capabilities, that even if he could perform live, it would be an insult. You don't need a guitarist for this, let alone Jesper.

Interesting to note that whilst Jesper was co-producer on the last album he wasn't listed as such on this album. Just strengthens my belief that he's starting to distance himself from this project. I think he'll soon be fully replaced by Marcus Sunesson.

Agree that the electronics were annoying on the last album as well, but I feel like they're even more prominent (and shittier) on Halos. They really bothered me this time around, whereas before they were just an irritation getting in the way of an otherwise decent effort. Considering they had five people doing electronics on this album I'm not convinced Jesper was hugely involved in that side of things this time around. I get the feeling he was mostly limited to riffs and melodies in most of the songs he was involved with.

Karma is too much of an obvious appeal to IF fans for me to enjoy. To me it’s the same as them writing “the next thing in metal”. It’s tricky marketing bullshit designed to make everyone check them out. Without Karma this thread might not exist.

I think the thread would still exist due to Jesper's continued involvement (albeit in a declining role) but if Karma hadn't been on the last album then the hype probably would have been less for both that album and this one. I wanted an album that went in more of a Karma-like direction, but instead it went in an Amaranthe-lite/Psuedo-power metal direction which I don't think many of us wanted. It's a shame but it is what it is.

:rofl: yeah I think I'm done with these guys.
yeah I think I'm done with these guys.

hey de4life did you ever listen to I Am The One (acoustic)?

IMO this song is 9/10. If they deleted the “I am the one” bullshit overdubs during the chorus it would be close to a masterpiece. I hope you have listened to it by now.

The vocals, the build-up, (example 0:43 with the guitar stepping higher and “a life of guilt...”) just extremely well done. And the solo sounds awesome. This song must’ve been written on acoustic guitar. If not it was meant for it.

The other acoustic songs sound like acoustic covers and don’t add much. This version sounds like the actual song.

Best overall songs
I Am The One (Acoustic)
Man of Eternal Rain
Dreams Gone Wrong

other songs have good intros or riffs but end up falling flat at some point. These songs are just very well composed overall.
Yeah I agree I Am the One acoustic sounds good. The rest of them were nothing special but that one suits acoustic really well.
After listening to the new Cyhra album, I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed with it too. It's not horrible, but it's not really good either. It just sits in that awkward in between of mediocrity.

Man of Eternal Rain and Blood Brothers are by far the best tracks on this album. MoER has some nice guitar work and that intro really hearkens back to Clayman (probably helps that part of the opening riff is lifted off of Clayman's title track). Blood Brothers is totally cheesy, but in a good way. It felt like a genuinely decent attempt at an epic, slower paced power metal ballad with a catchy as fuck verse riff. Jake's vocals fit the song very well too.

The rest of the songs are rather half-baked with some nice riffs followed by bait-and-switch verses. It's like the songs want to be some kind of power metal/melodeath hybrid while also taking into account that Jake has no capacity to deliver harsh vocals of any kind. Therefore we get these castrated, meandering verses that kill any momentum the intros and riffs build up. Hit Me is the worst offender in this regard.

Honestly, it feels like we've come full circle in a way. Jesper is a good songwriter who knows how to write some riffs, but this is the second time he's been held back by a vocalist who suffered from some kind of glaring flaw. With IF it was Anders, now with Cyhra it's apparently Jake. Damn shame too, cause Euge is obviously talented as hell and brought a lot of good ideas to the table too (same could be said about Bjorn in IF to a lesser extent). Imagine what Cyhra could sound like if they had a vocalist who could deliver both harsh vocals and clean vocals, but done so competently.
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The rest of the songs are rather half-baked with some nice riffs followed by bait-and-switch verses. It's like the songs want to be some kind of power metal/melodeath hybrid while also taking into account that Jake has no capacity to deliver harsh vocals of any kind. Therefore we get these castrated, meandering verses that kill any momentum the intros and riffs build up. Hit Me is the worst offender in this regard.
A lot of truth here. Sounds like this album frustrates you as much as it does me. Every intro is like an evil trick to get metalheads to listen to something they don’t like.

If that’s the future of metal I feel sad for the kids. A future where “full strength metal” no longer exists.
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This explains a lot.

"It's wonderful to hear that; it means a lot to me," says Jake. "I did most of the basic songwriting for the album myself for this album, and the other guys came in after to add stuff after most of the songs were done. There are two or three songs where we did things the opposite, where Euge (Valovirta / guitars) had some ideas and I broke them down. When I was writing, I sat down and thought hard about what worked and what did not work on the first album, and I realized pretty quickly that the songs on Letters To Myself work really well when you're driving in the car, but not all of them work when you're playing them live. What I was focusing on most for No Halos In Hell was to make the songs more live oriented, and I think that live-friendliness makes the songs more catchy. It brings them to another level."
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I just listened to NHIH and while it's not a bad album, it's not really that good either. Towards the end it gets tedious to listen to. Jake is capable of some cool melodies, but Cyhra is too much about him and dat chorus. Wish he'd released this as his solo album instead.
Cyhra touring the UK again with some band called Delain. Doing a show in London but I'm still not going to go as I'm just too disappointed in Halos to bother. Haven't listened to anything off the album since the first couple of weeks of release.