New Deicide Track

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Followers of the Lord look away now. I consider myself a fan of mid period Deicide from Once Upon The Cross onwards and own four of their CDs but recent albums just haven't been catchy enough. Granted, getting shred master Ralph Santolla was a great move but even his wonderful solos couldn't save those albums from being boring. They just couldn't get the songs to be catchy like in the older days. My fave Deicide album is Serpents of the Light whose production was average but the songs were so insanely catchy. I even liked Insineratehymn with the stupidly catchy Bible Basher. Lately, Glen's vocals became almost indecipherable but it seems the new song is getting back on track a little. It's still missing the spark of catchiness but at least the vocals are not too low and pretty understandable. The lead from Ralph is hellishly cool as usual. The song itself is pretty boring but has a nice clear production and plods along well enough. I will be in league with Satan once again when this leaks!

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Ehhh. They haven't been good since the 90's. This overproduced tone isn't suited for their style. One of the reasons I love old Deicide was the raw nasty sound of the early records. Also, they were much better song writers back then, as you mentioned.
I like overproduced. I prefer it to lo-fi by a mile. That's not the main problem for me. It's the actual memorability of the riffs and Glen's vocal arrangements which have been very catchy in the past.

Sucks to be you then (kidding of course!). I don't think metal (especially death metal) should sound this fake and sterile. It's not house music for christ sakes. :lol: But alot of people do like that fake ass sound and it's become pretty popular among bands and fans alike, so I suppose I'm in the minority.

But for sure, this track lacks catchiness which is the bigger problem in general. Steve Ashiem isn't the best riff writer unfortunately though and that's why Deicide has been consistently bland for the last several albums.
Overproduced. Awful.
I don't agree. IMHO, I prefer my music to have a clear, pristine sound. I work hard and to put out my hard earned money for something that sounds like it was recorded in a fish bowl filled with muddy water is fucking ludicrous to me. There is no reason in this day and age with the technology available that any album should sound like shit.
I dont think you are properly understanding the term "overproduced". Everybody loves crystal clear, great production. But it should sound like real instruments. The drums on this do not sound like a real person playing a real drum kit. It straight up sounds like fake triggers on all the drums (including the snare, which is a big no no IMO). Guitars sound like a sterile plug in, not a tube amplifier with two SM57s micing. When you put all this new technology, it takes away from the brutality of the tunes. Humanity gives it feeling. There is no feeling in triggered up tones.
I don't agree. IMHO, I prefer my music to have a clear, pristine sound. I work hard and to put out my hard earned money for something that sounds like it was recorded in a fish bowl filled with muddy water is fucking ludicrous to me. There is no reason in this day and age with the technology available that any album should sound like shit.

Well first of all the idea of that every record should be pristine is misguided if you ask me. Production should really suit the style of music the band is playing. Secondly (not all the time, but most) "Pristine, cristal clear" is soulless, emotionless, etc most of the time. If you like your music to sound sterile and empty, that's fine. But just like I generally don't like movies that shoehorn CGI just to make it look intricate and lively when in reality it comes off as shallow and fake, I don't like hearing overly pro-tooled robots. I like mistakes, and I like bite, muddiness, etc.
I had no idea people really liked their albums after Once Upon The Cross. This song isn't BAD, but it's not awesome either. At least Glen's not doing those muffled closed-mouth vocals anymore.
Well first of all the idea of that every record should be pristine is misguided if you ask me. Production should really suit the style of music the band is playing. Secondly (not all the time, but most) "Pristine, cristal clear" is soulless, emotionless, etc most of the time. If you like your music to sound sterile and empty, that's fine. But just like I generally don't like movies that shoehorn CGI just to make it look intricate and lively when in reality it comes off as shallow and fake, I don't like hearing overly pro-tooled robots. I like mistakes, and I like bite, muddiness, etc.
All of this is your opinion and that's great, but I hate it when I buy an album and it sounds like a shit produced demo.
Yeah, it's a matter of opinion, but I think it's also misguided to confuse your musical preference with production preference. Do you really think a stoner/sludge album should sound pristine and crystal clear or do you just only like bands that require that kind of production? That's where I'm getting at.
IMHO, everything should sound that clear. I don't find muddy production for any band "cute", "quaint", or "charming" in any sort of way. I only find it fucking massively annoying. Especially, when the technology is available for better sound.
Yeah I don't know what else to say. Sounds extremely closed-minded.

I would never want this:

or this:

to have the production of this:

It's like saying all food should taste like cheeseburgers. :lol:
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No I'm not. I'm saying that there are other ways to produce a band than to edit the shit out of them in pro-tools so that they sound like robots and that some musical styles utilize rawer productions as an artistic aesthetic. Understood that you don't like that sound, but it's kind of close-minded to dismiss everything that sounds filthy and disgusting as bad just because it doesn't sound the way you want it. I mean, at least appreciate what those bands are trying to go for even if you don't like it! Or not haha.
No I'm not. I'm saying that there are other ways to produce a band than to edit the shit out of them in pro-tools so that they sound like robots and that some musical styles utilize rawer productions as an artistic aesthetic. Understood that you don't like that sound, but it's kind of close-minded to dismiss everything that sounds filthy and disgusting as bad just because it doesn't sound the way you want it. I mean, at least appreciate what those bands are trying to go for even if you don't like it! Or not haha.
All I've said since the beginning is that I prefer clear, pristine production. That's all. I'm done with this discussion.
You also quoted me and said you disagree with me specifically. I have the right to curiously disagree with you and try to examine why you feel that way. Chillax dude, of course you're entitled to your opinion.