New Dimmu Rumor???????

Necramentia said:
on the note of fastest bass drum guitar teacher was telling me about this guy who was amazingly fast on double bass...i believe he's australian...he tells me this guy can do angel of death....on one foot...his nickname is Thunderfoot, but i forget his real name...anyone know? don't think he's in a band, i think he does seminars and promos for companies
I remember hearing a while ago that the (Australian) drummer from The Berzerker had broken the record a couple of years ago and had it certified by the Guiness World Records people... Maybe it's him you are thinking of. I can't verify the truth of this, but it was pretty much taken for granted in the Aussie scene a while ago.
Dantven said:
Everybody in dimmu has always used triggers...sounds better that way.
thats a lie

Tjodalv used a classical Drum Mic together with a doublemachine Isaw that with my own eyes (back in 1997) (The tour with In Flames as spec. Guests)

Cheers mates!
Darkness Eternal said:
800 bpm is still stupidly fast if he doesn't use triggers.
No, no....Triggers don't do anything for speed!:Spin: Check the link mentioned above. I can break 1,100 bpm and I don't have triggers.
skidzo said:
thats a lie

Tjodalv used a classical Drum Mic together with a doublemachine Isaw that with my own eyes (back in 1997) (The tour with In Flames as spec. Guests)

Cheers mates!

I meant in the studio. Live its probably a combination of triggers and mics.

I should clarify what i said earlier, dimmu didn't use triggers until "Enthroned..." anyways. :hypno:
Dantven said:
I meant in the studio. Live its probably a combination of triggers and mics.

I should clarify what i said earlier, dimmu didn't use triggers until "Enthroned..." anyways. :hypno:

K, don't care what they do in Studio aslong as it sounds good

and i don't know if they mixed mic with Triggers, couldn't see that.

but our drummer uses a snare drum Mic pointing from underneath together with a trigger sounds pretty cool!

and i won't post to This Thread anymore I dont want to be responsible for keeping it on Top

Cheers mates!