New Emancer: Aborym meets Borknagar meets Arcturus


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just got through listening to an EMANCER promo I got from Golden Lake (same label as Mithras). They're a two man band from Norway, one on vox, the other everything else (including programmed drums it must be said).

I did some background reading on them, and their previous release, The Human Experiment, was reasonably well received. This new one is called Invisible.

I have a feeling that some of you out there will like this band - maybe Nate, J., and Black Winter Day. They're essentially 'eclectic industrial astral progressive black metal'. :tickled: In other words, think ABORYM meets BORKNAGAR or ARCTURUS, but 90% grim as hell vocals, and dug deep into a nordic icy glacier.


They have an MP3 section, but to be honest, the new song is not necessarily representative of their best work compared to what else is on Invisible. Here is a direct link - check this shit out anyhow:

Golden Lake - $10
Red Stream - $12

Nate, I think you would go ga-ga over this, but obviously do some research of your own before you buy. I did a search on google, and here's a review from

I have to admit right at the beginning of this review, that this is actually the first material of these guys I got to listen to, which means there won't be any comparing with previous releases. But than again, what the fuck you need that for anyway? We're talking "Invisible" here, which comes to be the third album of this Norwegian duo, this time released for Golden Lake Productions. And if, as they say, the third album usually shows whether a band heads for its own burial or leaves the listener badly wanting another release of the band - Emancer did a fucking great job to please the listeners. If you were aware of the band earlier, you'll probably know these guys are very much into experimental black metal. Well, what that means is that apart from the unique, Norwegian hellish black metal parts, which in fact form Emancer's strong skeleton, you get here all sorts of electronics based stuff, kind of like some Samael's most wicked space voyages into the I-don't-know-where, if you know what I mean. Add on to it some excellent acoustic parts that reminded me for instance in "On Borrowed Time" of Opeth's excellence and what a sick mixture that is? Now, the thing that I was most concerned about letting the CD on its first spin, was that there's a robodrummer on it, which would normally create a synthetic feel to it so, obviously, I paid much attention to that, trying to catch some low points. Guess what? No luck there. In fact, I found the drumming to be arranged much better than some personalised drums. The vocals, apart from being as furious as they should be, go great with the music. It's all in its place, even the spoken parts and pace changes or should I rather say "space" changes work so well that, I don't know man, it all simply sums up to a thoroughly thought through and skilfully performed, varied release. Certainly, a release to be proud of. [- Lord Darnok]
Holy crap, that shit licks my dog's nuts! Or it's the dog's bollocks, whatever. :p

Good stuff!
Interestingly enough, I've seen other descriptions comparing them to Satyricon as well. That's even in their press release. I'll see if I can bang a review out by the weekend.

Support the small labels! Golden Lake! :headbang:
No bad ... I do like Aborym a lot, but this is definetelly more of a cleaner production.
Speaking of that ... something feels unfinished about the production on this track.
Good stuff though ... I like the electronic blast beats :)
So the new Terrorizer just jizzed up all over Emancer....


"...gallops from the gates of Niflheim with aplomb, shimmers and pulses with an electronic futuristic edge reminiscent of a darker Arcturus, then abruptly shifts to brooding acoustics before erupting into a full throttle synth-charged BM volley with lashings of gargled demonic vocals..."


I would probably end up giving it a similar score when I get round to the review.