New ENGL Fireball version coming out


Watch out, it's sharp!
Sep 21, 2002
Hamburg, Germany
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- 100 watts instead of 60
- Mid boost
- Separate gain for clean and lead
- Noisegate

I already got my Invader 100 and the old Fireball version... but this seems to fix most of what I don't like about my Fireball.
I'd really like to try the new version, but I don't think I'd buy it as the Invader channel 3 is basically the Fireball sound with more balls, mids and less fizz.
mmmm me like. Everything apart from the 100W part... It's hard enough to get amps to saturate the power section without blowing a hole through the walls as is. Hopefully that extra headroom lends itself to tighter tone at least.
mmmm me like. Everything apart from the 100W part... It's hard enough to get amps to saturate the power section without blowing a hole through the walls as is. Hopefully that extra headroom lends itself to tighter tone at least.


but who wants the poweramp to saturate for metal?
Seriously, sag-city, but naturally there's definitely some sweet harmonic distortion that can come when they're pushed (but still within their limits)
Honestly, I find there is a point past which V30s will start to fart out severely. With most 100W and 150W amps I've used that point is reached way before any significant power amp saturation (ie. the good kind... extra squishyness if you will) is reached. If we don't want power amp saturation, then where is this market for attenuators stemming from? Solely blues players?
I think it's more about "feel", at least for me. No bedroom player will buy a 50 watt Plexi vs. a 100 watt Plexi because it is quieter. When those amps are on 1.5 they are loud as hell. A 100 watter will feel bigger and won't mush out as early in my opinion. Oh and a slight noitcable volume increase. I'm all for it. Besides, I always thought the Fireball wasn't nearly as loud as other amps in it's class, so it's a welcome change.
