New England metal and hardcore festival

Devy_Metal said:
the new exodus sucks

I don't like their new vocalist, on Shovel Headed Kill Machine or that other guy on Tempo of the Damned, but I don't mind the music. Kick ass guitar-work and kick ass music in general, minus the super-annoying, generic vocals. It's a shame though, that Rick Hunolt decided to leave just to do his meth. Or as Gary Holt would say, "Deathamphetamine."
Enemy242 said:
i'd like to go for arsis, necrophagist, gamma ray, dragonforce, exodus and a few others but since i'm on the opposite coast and i've read its pretty crowded and the bands get short set times i doubt i'll go.

It really doesn't get that crowded. I've had a bigger crowd problem at Opeth shows.

Dragonforce better get a long set. And that's too bad that Exodus is headlining one night, because they suck so badly live and I don't like them anyway.