New Enslaved

Downloaded it last but haven't listened further than track 2. I was pretty excited about it too when I found out it was out, but completely forgot about it once I DL'd it.
well, i'm not that much into Enslaved but my girlfriend is...she listened to it many times and she really likes it...but i don't know if she thinks it's better or not that the previous albums though..
Yeah I heard the track on the Terrorizer sampler as well, sounded excellent so I went and got the album early on ebay...and cheaper actually, you get a lot of distros and record labels from europe and outside europe selling albums early on there.
I think it's fucking masterful. In fact I'm listening to it right now. Definitely a similar feel to Below the Lights.
And in reply to a statement's Return to Yggdrasil. The Yggdrasil is the World Tree which spans from the realm of Hel through Midgard all the way up to Asgard, which is taken from Nordic legend of coarse.
I'm not THAT into Enslaved but I really liked Below the Lights. I haven't listened to all of Isa yet but it is very good. Similiar to BTL but also different which is good. I dont think it tops BTL but still a solid album
I like this a lot at first listen. Quite a few steps away from Below the Lights. The progressive influences are really strong now, like it sounds like they were listening to a lot 70s prog when they made this. I like the style of clean vocals they use and the riffing style is pretty interesting too. A lot of riffs seem to be from the same vein as the last riff from "The Crossing" which is a pluse. Anyways too soon to tell how good it is, but definitely promising at first listen...