New EP - Bleeding Skies - Djent and progressive ambient stuff. [Axe FX and s2.0]


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys,

I've been working on releasing SOMETHING under my solo project for the last...3 or 4 years, I've been posting on here since I had initially gotten into mixing and mastering. Let me just say that some old members of this forum, were the biggest help to me learning techniques and becoming half decent at mixing and masterings.

Finally the dream has come true and I can actually put some kind of album/EP thing out there for people to purchase or torrent, stream.

here's a small teaser of parts of EP

hopefully you enjoy the tunes, I'd appreciate any feedback at all! :worship:

Thanks again!
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There is some crazy good djent/ambient stuff coming out of Scotland haha.

WE, Sithu Aye and now you :D

I like it man, I think track 6 and 7 are my favourites.
Thanks man! :worship:

haha yeah, Ped from WE is a good friend of mine.

Yeah that's my cover :)

I love that anime too! I write my songs straight after watching anime most of the time.