NEW epic song for the awesome Sneapsters - Rvalver, Recabi, Superior2, you name it

Arrgghh, fie upon you for posting it on myspace - sounds awesome though dude as far as I can tell! Though I feel the guitars could use just a bit more gain, and they've got that kinda boxy Revalver feel; why didn't you use one of your army of Engl preamps for this?
soundclick at the LEAST. getdropbox for the win. myspace player is epic fail.

I have spoken.

soundclick at the LEAST. getdropbox for the win. myspace player is epic fail.

I have spoken.


One of the best song I've heard from Feared with Godlike and Daddy's girl...
Crushing riffs!
Stright into my mp3 player ;)

Not liking the snare, is it SD2 standard? The rest of the drums are pretty cool, the kick seems better than the last clip (where the "click" was destroying my ears).
The bass comes out really well too! Details?
The vocals seem a bit separated from the mix sometimes, could use more ambience and more saturation, maybe, and a touch of deesser...

Man, will you ever consider the possibility to upload the single tracks of a song from Feared for a remix? I bet a lot of guys here would love to give it a shot.
Don't get me wrong, this mix is great, but I would like to hear different approaches, expecially on drums and guitars...

EDIT: what guitar and pickups are you using here?