New fan


May 22, 2003
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Recently i dloaded They Will Return and Swampsong (don't worry, when i get more cash i will be purchasing them) and i absolutely love both, though i think i prefer they will return more. Kalmah have become, after only a few listens, one of my favorite metal bands, and definitely my present favorite melo-death band. Just sayin hello to ya'll.
Welcome to Kalmah. Enjoy your stay.
Glad to see a new fan. They Will Return is the exact same song that got me into Kalmah than I heard Hades and was like ...WOW! It's tough to say which album I prefer best but I would still say They Will Return is the best album.
What's great about Kalmah is that their catalogue is so strong that there is no clear-cut favourite album or song! For example, unlike the poster above, I would rank They Will Return as my least favourite album. (that distinction goes to the awesome Swampsong)
Thats a really good point "Poster above". They fit just about everyones taste, they are a very distinct but yet some what stay at the same style they have always played. I think thats why they have so many fans is that everyone can relate and love atleast one of their albums.
I just love how kalmah can be heavy and fast as fuck, but still really melodic. That does it for me...
My jaw just dropped when i heard Principle Hero for the first time...
well, the only thing baout their albums i can say, is that swampsong is my lesast favorite... i LOVE all of them, but swampsong is just... not as excellent as swamplord and they will return. but osng-wise, i canm definetely say that Heritance of Berija is their best one. AND its thte song that got me into them... as soon as i heard it, i borrowed the cd form a friend.. .now im a proud owner of 2 of their albums...

\m/ KALMAH \m/
I picked up there new album and wasnt that impressed to be honest but it seems i should of picked up the first 2 albums first so ill get em ordered me thinks :D

Also the vocals on Swampsong seemed to be mixed to far back not making them very clear what are they like on the first 2 albums?
the first song i ever heard of kalmah was 'evil in you'
everytime i hear it it's that ' Special song' from kalmah.

kalmah =(means_) to the grave/to the death if u haven't read it already
in articles:)