New Forum Rules (A)

Raoul J.

Dec 27, 2001
City of Brotherly Love
Visit site
It seems that certain posts on these boards are upsetting some members.

To stop further harm coming to the faint hearted and easily upset please observe the following ratings for a thread.

Please post all threads with the following ratings to help ensure your post is read by the correct people.

A - Suitable for all. Nothing to fear here. You can safely let your Zealot or Grandmother read this.

PG - Mmmm. Possible upsetting sentences contained within. Best be read after a drink.

12 - Uh oh. This will contain some negativity within. Please keep the very unstable away.

15 - Now were into serious territory. Bound to contain ripping of Opeth. Please keep away if you have a tendancy to rise to anything remotly threatening.

18 - Just as bad as the 15. Although more likley to contain profanity as well. Will also no doubt contain personal attacks on the band and Akerfeldt.

X - Oh my God. The worst possible. This will definatly contain attacks on the band and their families, their amputee fetishes, the forumites, Mark and whoever. Be very wary of writing or reading an X rated post.

Sorry - I've been here too long to observe a rating sytem - I will have nothing of it :heh:

You will have to learn the Opethian board rules from the masters, such as Godisanathiest, Satori, myself, and others who have nurtured this board along.

Originally posted by Morningrise
He has 37 posts and wants rules to the board, what a wanker! :heh:

Did you say "wanker"....

Another Wolff influenced soul:)
Ok... I think I got it now... so Raoul was trying to be funny? Did I get it right? Ok yah... it didn't work. It's a shame when people try to be like Wolff... two problems though Raoul...

1. You've got like 5 posts and no one knows who the fuck you are.

2. You're a dumbass and stupid... yes that's the opposite of not funny.

Have a nice day :)
Originally posted by Morningrise

Hah, influenced by Wolff give me a break! ;) :D I didn't get wanker from you, thats just the coolest insult ever, and everyone knows that.

I've never heard wanker being used by a Texan before, so that's why I brought it up. Anyway, "wanker" is not the coolest insult ever.

I think "cunt" is far superior... It can be used for both men and women.

"You're a fucking tit" is fairly exquisite and delicate.

Curry queen? Very classy indeed

Twat? I love that one. (Incidentally, I love twats too; camel toes are my faves; quim nuts being the second choice).

Flash my gash... somehow I think Aussies are a fucken riot nation

Now pinch off you stinky spooge.

And of course let's not forget Guido, WOP, Kraut, stupid baguette, frog, wetback, German (somehow this qualifies as an insult by itself; cheers to all the Krauts out there who will get upset), redneck, spick, mick, kike, swedish (oh yeah it means gay)...

Allright, CALIFORNIA ÜBER ALLES everyone.