New Forum Rules (A)

People, looking at the original thread... this is def. an X thread.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Raoul must be proud.
Originally posted by Wolff
People, looking at the original thread... this is def. an X thread.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Raoul must be proud.

No, wait...

"FUCK MIKAEL AKERFELDT! Fuck him up the asshole with a chainsaw, and then dismember his grandmother! Opeth sucks ass! N'Sync rules all! BARBERA STRIESAND!"

NOW it's definately an X thread. :D
"FUCK MIKAEL AKERFELDT! Fuck him up the asshole with a chainsaw, and then dismember his grandmother! Opeth sucks ass! N'Sync rules all! BARBERA STRIESAND!"

Wolff... I think we have BOTH met our match.
Here's a rule we can all agree on, and like it or not, it's the only "rule" here and the only one that will ever be here:

If you don't like what you are reading, it is up to YOU (yes, you) to decide to simply hit your back button or shut off your machine. If this is just too much for you to do, then I have two words for you, to help you build your will to self-censor: Fuck off.

There, now wasn't that easy? hahah ;)


PS: Fuck oppression of free speech and all those who favour it, fuck them long and hard like the stiff cunts that that are. heheh
this has to onw of the most hilarious threads i have read in a while. the verbal brawl between wolff and trapped had me laughing so hard i spilled out of my chair. pure genius, i've never seen such a great display of everything that is condemned as filth in by the masses. damn bunch of tightwads, how can they not see the humor in "Basically, you are just a virgin corpse penis"?

ah, as long as there are people who don't see a problem with what this thread turned into, there will always be free speech.

and to raoul...I don't wanna talk to you, no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
I'm not very good at clever insults. With me I think up something I should have said an hour after the fact, but at the time I just go " least I'm not ugly!" Or something stupid like that.

PS:I'm not snobby, I was quoting American Beauty.
Wolff, are you from England, living in San Francisco?

That would explain your monotonal, one tracked style of British insult. If not.... then I don't know..... ;)
Originally posted by Jayde

If you mean that, then I love you to. :D

If not, then fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! :mad:

So it comes down to a choice between love and a triple fuck. Tough call! What would you say guys?