New Forum Rules (A)

You - the scruffy chap with no chin! Stand up straight when you're speaking, I say!
Flash my gash... somehow I think Aussies are a fucken riot nation

... Well that was fucking DIM, now wasn't it?? Who the fuck do you think you are...? Farjah the fucking moroccan goat-herder???
Never, ever put me in the same sentence with goats, you fucking inbred arrogant big soft Aussie arse sheep shearer.

Go back to your shocking beer at a grotty pub with the rest of yer poofters and transexuals.

Originally posted by Wolff

Go back to your shocking beer at a grotty pub with the rest of yer poofters and transexuals.


Because that watered down, light weight liquid you yanks drink is so much better, isn't it... And you're from the home of poofters and transexuals: San Francisco.

What a wanker...:lol:
Wolff: 'Chief Wanker of the Opeth Board'


You fucking Dim-Wench goat-fucking transexual jerry-springer wannabe trailor-trash american peice of shit cunt wanking fool of a person...

You're still a fucking Dim-Wench goat-fucking transexual jerry-springer wannabe trailor-trash peice of shit cunt wanking fool of a person...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fuck off you fuckin cunt wiping abo mother fucking arse bandit wanker. Fukin beastilitydevil cunt.

Trapped Walking Aussie Tosser - TWAT!
dingo shagger.


What the fuck was that? You are capable of WAAAY more than that. I'm dissapointed. I really am.

... Redeem yourself, or you will forever remain the property of an infected whore's dead-cat eating maggot infested worm-vagina...
Kinell trapped
You still ere? You snotty face heap of parrot droppings, shut yer festering gob, you tit your type really makes me puke you vacuous coffe-nosed malodorous pervert.

Allrighty you slimy little chicken queen shit twinkle-toed cocksucker, I'm gonna fukin glass ya so bad mate that your head can be made into VB bottles. Fukin dick eater ;)
...That was a little better, you're getting there. You just need to work on the coherance of your speech, some words like 'chicken queen shit' simply don't work together. Try something like:

"Basically, you are just a virgin corpse penis."

see what i mean?
Allright you pillock cunt, maintain your proclivity for cock eating:p

I gotta go sleep now; keep it up mate. Some classic posts in here. :lol: :lol: :lol: