New Forum Rules (A)

In relation to your badly worded question: I meant it seriously. I read an earlier post of yours, it was semi-guileless, and moved me... a little.

I Sooooo wish I was hear at the start of this thread:cry:

Oh well you can't have everything..... while I'm no good a stringing insults together (they kinda fall apart midway:D ) I'd just like to bring up some of the best 'singular' insults IMO. These are in no way directed at anybody (yet) I'll have to polish them up a little first!

'Arse-Clown" or "Arse-Pirate", Ummmm....Oh yeah! a favourite that my friend heard or made up, soooo much better than 'wanker' or 'tosser':............ "Cock-Spank"

What else..... 'Granny-Sexer'. That's about it for now.....Feel free to slide these in randomly in conversations (insulting ones).


Right then, I'm off:D
Originally posted by Trapped
ha ha. That's great!!

... you virgin corpse penis

Damn, and to think that I'll never get tired of hearing that one again, and again...........and again.

Let's be a little more original you.......... NUMPTY (HAH! I bet you didn't see that one 'coming'...... probably because you usually see things from behind, you Rectal-Ranger. Put your Fuck-Stick away for a second and Make better better use of your hands...... You know.......with the typing.......and the replying.

P.S. I am not, I repeat not having a go at you I'm just brushing up on my languid linguistic skills, I'm a little rusty at the moment you know. Look at it as poetic license.