New Gear Day!


Mar 22, 2006
Went out on a Whim this morning having just been paid, and bought a pair of Adam A7's!!!! Fuck me these monitors RULE!!!
everyone should have them!
in situ photos to follow!!
have some ns10s which i still love, and some ancient celestion hi fi speakers at home.
also spent a long time in a lot of studios with mackie 824's (which is where my hate for them comes from)

They are so detailed compared to the other 2.
the ns10s are great for balancing things, but for really fine detail things start to get a little tricky.
if something isnt sitting right on the adams it's blaringly obvious; if something's too quiet you wont hear it; and if its too loud it'll tear your head off. a quick switch back to the other speakers reveals that said part now sits perfectly.

The mids are extremely detailed; not in an agressive ns10 way... but they actually HAVE mids unlike the 824s or genelecs for example.
The stereo field is much wider and positioning is less of an issue, and its much easier to hear compression working than on 824s.

They are also really nice on the ears; i.e not fatigueing which the others sure as hell are.
Oh...Did i mention they translate Impeccably!
imso excited about these monitors i cant sing their praises enough!!
and theyve yet to break in properly too!!!!
Is there any special treatment your supposed to do while breaking them in?

I'm in the market for new monitors now I'm gonna have to take a look at these. Only thing I'm worried about is the 6.5in speaker and low end. I have 6.5 in now and I do a lot of guess work on lows and yes i have my room treated with absorbers. Let me know how the lows translate on those also.
They have PLENTY of bottom. not huge hyped muddy stuff.. the right ammount for me.
hs80s have awesome lows if you like bass!! the a7s are awesome as well congrats man!!

Yea ive been leaning towards a new set of hs80m for awile now. Im just a tad worried cause there on the cheaper side. I got cheap monitors now and im really growing out of them. These Adams and those Event asp8's look real nice though also. mmmmmmmmmm:Smug:
Sounds great :) I guess they are one of the best choices when it comes down to monitors between the entry-level stuff and the really serious units (i.e. Klein&Hummel)

LSD, did you have A7's before you got the K&H?