New Gideon mix


No Care Ever

Guitars were my Ibanez with .068 gauge strings on it through my 5150 into my mesa. We tried out the Orange 4x12 i recently acquired, but the thing has NO low end.
Drums are a mix of his mics and SD2.0. He hits very solidly, so the mics ended up carrying a lot of the drum tone. The snare mic was mixed about -2db under the sample, and the tom mics were mixed about 2db over the sample. kick mic was roughly the same volume as kick sample, but the sample still cuts through more than anything else.
Didn't end up using Slate on this mix other than the obligatory kick 10 mixed in with two other samples and his kick mic.

As far as bass, I used my sansamp, a borrowed fender jazz bass, .145 steel string set, and a lot of post processing. I split the signal into two tracks, one for low, and one for grit. The grit track has a ton of post processing, as well as the bass buss, so i wouldnt even know where to begin describing everything.

Vocals were through an sm7b.
I've been trying to work with my mixes lately to attempt to branch out on a more unique sound to me. I'm not quite satisfied yet, but i'm getting there.
Great job man, the kick sounds huge ! I agree with infectdsniper vocals and snare could be about 1- 2 db quieter :)

The mix is definitely something a bit different and really cool. I feel like the snare is a bit papery, and there is an overabundance of "cloudy" mids in the vocals compared to the guitars. Otherwise this is banging :)
Good mix for sure, OH's sound INCREDIBLE...I'd lower the vox about a dB or 2, raise your brutal ass guitars and I'd even crank the kick up more!

Try giving it some snap via a Pultec style EQ....

Glad to hear you branching out and going for different sounds.... it takes a bit of time but once you get to 'THAT' point, it's SO worth it.

Guitars were my Ibanez with .068 gauge strings on it through my 5150 into my mesa. We tried out the Orange 4x12 i recently acquired, but the thing has NO low end.
Drums are a mix of his mics and SD2.0. He hits very solidly, so the mics ended up carrying a lot of the drum tone. The snare mic was mixed about -2db under the sample, and the tom mics were mixed about 2db over the sample. kick mic was roughly the same volume as kick sample, but the sample still cuts through more than anything else.
Didn't end up using Slate on this mix other than the obligatory kick 10 mixed in with two other samples and his kick mic.

As far as bass, I used my sansamp, a borrowed fender jazz bass, .145 steel string set, and a lot of post processing. I split the signal into two tracks, one for low, and one for grit. The grit track has a ton of post processing, as well as the bass buss, so i wouldnt even know where to begin describing everything.

Vocals were through an sm7b.
I've been trying to work with my mixes lately to attempt to branch out on a more unique sound to me. I'm not quite satisfied yet, but i'm getting there.

this sounds awesome. is Gutter gong to be on the new record as well? And do you happen to use the same tom samples from gutter or SD2.0? [i remember you saying they were real from that single, if I am not mistaken]
I'm really weird about things playing down the center of mixes. His vocals sound so vertically oriented to me. i know it sounds dumb, but its something that irritates me alot. Id like someone who does better mixes (you) to try something for me at some point. take the main vocal, copy and paste it on to two other tracks so its three tracks of the same thing. pitch the 1 down 1 semitone and the other up 1 semitone and pan the pitched parts hard left and right. id imagine you probably wont do this but i do it alot on my stuff and it makes the vocals sound really horizontal and huge to me.