New Gojira video

Hey Stefan your favorite band sucks too so stfu k? We understand that you don't like Gojira. It's OK.
I keep coming back to this album, and it's just getting better and better! The songwriting, production, lyrics, concept, everything is just too too good. They're officially one of my top bands ever at this point--and only 4 albums in!

OFB better watch out, there is some seriously stiff progressive metal competition out there!
I'm starting to think Gojira is the French Nevermore. Or is Nevermore the American Gojira?
That's one of the coolest videos evar. I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on this cd.

Yeah, it's only one note riffage, but for some reason, it's about 1000000000000000000000000000000000000x more powerful than all the endless polka beats, triplets, vapid solos, and shitty songwriting that's been coming out of Scandinavia for, oh, about 15 years, only to be copied by innumerable bands in the US to make it even more watered down and vapid.

Viva Gojira!!!!