New Gojira video

No, you've never mentioned Sweden, that wasn't the point. Don't forget Abba!

But seriously, Therion is from Sweden, so no matter what shitty music you guys put out, Therion's awesomeness will keep your heads above long as they don't put out more bullshit like Gothic Kabbalah.
Then you've also got Gardenian, Green Carnation, Hypocrisy, TONS of great bands.

Italy is so fucking sad with the Swedish melodic death metal. People here are STILL forming melodeath bands that they call "Swedish metal".

I swear, if Italians were any more ass backwards, they'd go back in time.
And think of all the bands from the past that were washing the gay out of Sweden... Entombed (before they went gay), Afflicted (before they went SUPER gay), Dissection (Before John went GAY), and Nifelheim (Never to be GAY).

Sweden just kicks ass.

Give France fucking Gojira, because without Gojira, they only have Deathspell Omega, Clandestine Blaze, and the bands in the Les Légions Noires, and only pricks like me like the shit that comes out of that fucked up scene. Not to mention anything good was most likely done by the same 2 people, with the others just "there".
Hey, at least the melodic death scene in your country started with bands like Eucharist... even if it's been turned to crap with the years.

It's just like anything else...the worst will always become the most popular in the end. And not that all melodeath is bad, it's just everything that came after the year 2000 pretty much sucks ass, with a few exceptions.
It was pretty bad from the beginning as well. I dont see the the point with bastardized heavy metal with shitty vocs, when real heavy metal with decent vocs exists. At least IF had the decency to do instrumental songs where Anders shuts up. New bands aren't even that intelligent.
hey Katatonia super-fa(g)n, STFU WE KNOW YOU DONT LIKE GOJIRA. every time they're mentioned you're like "oh gojira sucks, but let me praise these super gay bands that suck!" give it a rest, hater!
I love this too. This album is probably their best. It is a natural progression. The natural progression of the album is amazing. You can really hear this amazing band mature in their songwriting. God damn, the one note rhythm and the melody on top of it just destroys just about anything I've heard in years in terms of metal. The only other band equally awesome at the moment is Meshuggah. I can't wait to see Gojira in November. So who is coming?
I surely am...