New guitar, new song, new tuning...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
This week I picked up a brand new ESP Eclipse II Aged. It totally owns!

And as always when getting new stuff I start to write new material with it.

This is what came out of this one. The song is in drop D tuning(all my other songs are drop Bb) Tell me what you guys think!

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is this a stock EC with the JB/59 setup?

ive been thinking about a new ec401, its got the thin u esp neck with the body thickness of a lp custom.
How has the guitar effected your tone?

Hmm not that much in sound but I like the fact that I have to pick harder to achieve a crunchier sound compared to playing with EMGs.

is this a stock EC with the JB/59 setup?
Yes it is! The JB really works great with the Savage. Unsure though how it will sound when tuned to Bb.