NEW Heaven and Hell in 30 minutes!!! (12:30am EST, 2/24/07)

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:( Always my luck!

Same here :lol:

No sweat, it'll leak sooner or later. The music industry released this monster of illegal downloading with their overpriced CDs. I don't like iTunes and iPods and all that souless thingie. I like a tangible piece of circular plastic, but I won't spend money for three song. If they release a single for $3 I will think about it

Yeah, I'm not really worried about it either. I'm sure I will hear it sooner or later.

"The Devil Cried" is growing on me, it sounds like a cross between Dehumanizer and Magica. Slow and damn heavy, effective chorus, maybe not a classic tune but it feels good to hear that line-up again!
After many listens I really dig it.

Now I want a full album!