that song wasnt that good. I hate when bands pick bad songs for videos.

Well, the problem is that a lot of bands go the commercial route for selecting singles and videos. I can understand that, as it is a better way to attract new fans. I am sure the album will still kick ass.
trying to go commercial isnt going to get any new fans for Helloween. they are at the point in their career that they pretty much are as big as they will ever get and dont need to worry about getting commercial success. plus it isnt going to happen for them.
I agree with you, but I am sure the heads of their record label do not.

The good thing is that the majority of their fans, as well as the band themself, probably could not care less about the single. 95% of true metalheads actually listen to the WHOLE album, and don't stop at just buying the single of a video they see.