Brandon I deeply appreciate that you step up on my defense (you should had been a lawyer

Yes I did remove the post because I believe that more than once both you and Ruben in a very calm and intelligent way answered to that person attacks. I really would have preferred that we all had ignored him, feeding trolls in my experience on boards have always been a bad move. Nevertheless like I said I appreciate a lot your efforts to tone down the attacks and keep the place clean and peaceful.
I already wrote to Deron asking him for feedback on the situation and moreover about my performance as moderator of this forum. When I joint here Henri (Hawk) wasn't yet the moderator and the place nevertheless was a cozy one for a metalhead. Since then I've seen with regret to dissapear a lot of cherised regulars and I've seen gladly some to return and new regulars to come and improve the site with their posts (as well as some non-regulars and newbies), sadly I've seen people coming in here with a bad attitude up-in-front and basically looking to pick up a fight.
When Hawk stepped down as mod and asked me to fill his shoes, I thought it was an unworhty position for myself but then I felt it was (is) a high distinction awarded to me from him and those of you who had supported me at the time and I sware I tried my best all this time to improve and keep UMOS alive.
As much that I wish the place will be more alive I know people have real lives outside cyberspace and time, job, family, duties and even economy precludes people to post a lot in here.
Also it's clear to me that we all have faults as humans we are and thus we can't behave like saints or live by no-violence as the great Ghandi wanted. So from time to time we all gonna loose some temper and let steam loose in here, that's not a crime. The crime is not to recognize it and apologize later, or worse to keep the flame wars going on.
Even if UMOS is a democracy and we believe in freedom of speech, nor the first or the second are a 00 licence, meaning we're not here to kill at will. And like every society we have to set some rules and live by them, and that with freedom comes responsability and whatever we say held us accountable for it.
In a nutshell, the moment the regulars who are the main structure of this forum believe that my labor and services are not longer required for the benefit of the forum or that my behavior have exceeded my duties for the worst, I'll gladly step down without grudge to anyone.
Peace to all of you who keep this place alive and neat (you know who you are) and thanks for the support to the forum throughout all these years up to this very day.