New Immortal released this month

I once met a retarded person who was nice, he was giving me a milkshake and wasw all kind...kinda changed the impression I have of these people lol
Honestly,im not a huge fan of bands like Behexen, Horna and so on,but i really like Satanic Warmaster,eventhough ive heard only split with Aryan Blood.Im going to download their discography tonight.
I need to rent some africans to listen to all the CDs I wanna listen to but don't have time, then I'll ask them if they like it and if they like it OK then I'm buying it

"I don't have to listen it, cus someone already did that for me". :lol:

You fail, big time.

O hai troll! Long time no trolling me! But yeah, if someone with ears tells me it sounds bad and it's not a band I really like then yeah, there's tons of music that will be much more interesting to my ear. Same as if you told me it sounds awesome: I wouldn't dare to check it out as I'd alredy know I'm not gonna like it.

But hey, I'm a mainstream poser, what do I have to do agains a super cool BM fag with real frostbiten nordic blood?