New In Flames Video

Good assessment, kind of in between the older and the newer.

Sorry - the "giveadamn" ran out a long time ago on these guys. Just way too many newer and better bands coming up every day to worry about anything In Flames related...

Is Jasper not in the band anymore?
I love In Flames and have since Whoracle. This sounds just like Come Clarity which I thought was great. Should be a pretty solid disc.

If there are more newer bands comming out, I would like to know who they are. I havent'y heard anything new worth a "giveadamn" that can top In Flames in this genre!
This is killer. Reminds me strongly of Clayman & Colony, but with better clean vox. I hated Reroute & Soundtrack, but loved Come Clarity. Colony is still their masterwork. That first riff in the song Colony is one of the best riffs ever IMO.
I think that the song they did for that Bam Margera thing was better, Abnegation. Nothing tops whoracle IMO, but of the last 3, Come Clarity is definately the best. Too bad his clean singing live just isn't as good as it should be. I'll stick with Soilwork always and they never dissappoint live. I also agree that th new in flames song sounds better than the new Bodom. Bodom just lost me after Hatecrew, which is a great record, but they will never have the affect they had on me with Hatebreeder.
This is killer. Reminds me strongly of Clayman & Colony, but with better clean vox. I hated Reroute & Soundtrack, but loved Come Clarity. Colony is still their masterwork. That first riff in the song Colony is one of the best riffs ever IMO.

It so funny how individual tastes go... I agree that Colony is their greatest disk to date, So on that we agree, but you say you hate Reroute? I love that album!! :goggly::kickass:

This vid looks very promising can't wait for the new album to come out...:rock:
It so funny how individual tastes go... I agree that Colony is their greatest disk to date, So on that we agree, but you say you hate Reroute? I love that album!! :goggly::kickass:

This vid looks very promising can't wait for the new album to come out...:rock:

I like Reroute, it still had some old-school stuff on it, but you could tell that they were trying to reach the American market really bad with some of those songs.