New instrumental (Axefx, MF, Sturgis, VSTs)

Weeeell people over soundcloud seem to enjoy it, I hope you do too x)
Feel free to give any advice, or if you feel something's weird, just tell it ahah, even about the structure itself, any word of advice or criticism is good to me, I'll take everything into account for my further compositions!
really liked it , nice writing man :)
only comment I have is that the parts sound too separate from each other.. like out of context thing..

btw what are the cymbals ? and what processing you have done?
Thanks a lot! Well yeah I kinda feel the same way but I don't really know what to do to fix that :/
Cymbals are Metal Foundry's, processing is quite simple (EQ and Comp on each track, plus a bit of reverb on the drums, cleans, solo and synth, EQ, Comp, Limiter and iZotope Ozone on the master bus)
Fantastic song! Both the writing and playing is superb, to my ears!
Are you going to put vocals on it, or is it an instrumental EP?
I liked the arrangement, and guitar sound. But is mix overcopmressed? It needs some breath, I said, when listened first.

(... and I liked that effect which was like broken soundcard effect.. lol :) )
Thanks! You mean the glitch effect? Ahah yeah that one's kinda cool ^^
Well I already removed a lot of compression, and as I was going for the "Peripheryish" mix, I felt like overcompressing the mix was a good idea... Seems like I now need to find the right amount of compression ahah
Thanks a lot! Well yeah I kinda feel the same way but I don't really know what to do to fix that :/
Cymbals are Metal Foundry's, processing is quite simple (EQ and Comp on each track, plus a bit of reverb on the drums, cleans, solo and synth, EQ, Comp, Limiter and iZotope Ozone on the master bus)

make sure your master buss starts with your compressor, limiter, then EQ instead of running EQ-comp-limiter unless you just wrote it in random order haha