New Interview With Joey Belladonna

BTW I hope Joey has said to the rest of the band "Right I want a fucking pay rise now, since this band is completely and utterly dependent on me being happy and hanging around."
I'm starting to think that Joey's the only one we're going to get mostly truth from in this situation, apart from Bush. John & Joey have been pretty straightforward in their interviews, while Charlie & Scott seem to ignore so many of their contradictory statements. Joey has every right to feel like the savior of this band right now, without him they'd be toast, because I'm 99% certain that John won't come back again.
That interview posted above is hilarious, boy how things have changed in a year.

"We got to playing amazing together again during the reunion tour, sounded amazing as a band again" .....

.... so instead of continuing on and building on that hype and playing 'amazing they decide to get rid of Joey and Spitz and bring in a no named vocalist... GREAT MOVE SCOTT!

"Financially we had to do the reunion in order to continue as a band"

.... So instead of building off of that momentum they decided to go backwards to the same formula as before that got them to that point... GREAT DECISION SCOTT!

I wonder sometimes if Scott literally has shit in his brain
.... so instead of continuing on and building on that hype and playing 'amazing they decide to get rid of Joey and Spitz and bring in a no named vocalist... GREAT MOVE SCOTT!

This really was a fuck-wit move. I wasn't the biggest enthusiast of the reunion, but the move to Don Nelson was really fucking stupid. John & Joey both had some great qualities as singers, where Nelson pretty much (to me) sounded like a bad Anselmo ripoff, and there are enough of this type of asshole singer in other shit bands.
All these interviews, no matter which - Joey, John, Scott, Charlie, Dan - are nothing else but a pile of crap. The only thing that matters is the outcome.
So far, Joey, being in the band since 2005 (with a insignificant break in between), has offered absolutely nothing. Let's see how he's gonna top the WCFYA.
Anyone who thinks Anthrax is going for the "Hard Rock" market with this album has rocks in thire head. Why would they do that when initially hiring Don Nelson. Hardly a commercial voice was it? Maybe it's the Joey factor, his voice sounds more commercial than John and Don put together. So they sold out with Spreading the Desease LOL. That's it, they weren't popular because of thrash, it was the commercial voice of Joey, they went downhill when they got aggresive singers LOL. Cant people see that the endless aruments are silly and you can read anything into anyhting. IMFAN09, nothing is goona change, but it's your head banging on the brick wall not mine.
All these interviews, no matter which - Joey, John, Scott, Charlie, Dan - are nothing else but a pile of crap. The only thing that matters is the outcome.
So far, Joey, being in the band since 2005 (with a insignificant break in between), has offered absolutely nothing. Let's see how he's gonna top the WCFYA.

I like WCFYA, But Worship Music will easily top it due to the fact that Joey is on there PERIOD.
Let's see how he's gonna top the WCFYA.

Considering WCFYA is a terrible album that is nearly impossible to listen to without turning it off halfway though, I am sure that won't be too difficult to do. I'd rather listen to the 20 second clips of Worship Music on a laptop than listen to the full versions of any song on WCFYA (besides What Doesn't Die) on a good stereo system.

That being said I am not all that fired up on what I have heard from Worship Music so far. But it is DEFINITELY much better than WCFYA. At least at minimum the hardcore Nu Metal influence won't be there are much and Joey will bring the Anthrax sound back a bit.

And you say 'let's see how he is gonna top WCFYA' well that is more the band that would be topping it. Joey will definitely do great on vocals, I can't say the same about the music on it. Joey came in and saved your coveted Bushthrax band from extinction. I think you need to give some props to the guy for literally allowing Anthrax to continue on.
Anyone who thinks Anthrax is going for the "Hard Rock" market with this album has rocks in thire head. Why would they do that when initially hiring Don Nelson. Hardly a commercial voice was it? Maybe it's the Joey factor, his voice sounds more commercial than John and Don put together. So they sold out with Spreading the Desease LOL. That's it, they weren't popular because of thrash, it was the commercial voice of Joey, they went downhill when they got aggresive singers LOL. Cant people see that the endless aruments are silly and you can read anything into anyhting. IMFAN09, nothing is goona change, but it's your head banging on the brick wall not mine.

note to to fans who think Bush is an 'aggressive' metal singer. He is not. Let's get that straight. You act like he is in the same class ass Phil Anselmo, Tom Araya, Chuck Billy, Max Cavalera etc. He is not. He as more in common with Eddie Vedder and Layne Stayley than he does Tom Araya or Chuck Billy. His best work IMO is on the slower Bushthrax songs where he could use his voice. He sounds terrible singing the old Anthrax Thrash era songs.
Being from the UK I don't understand your American terms, so I looked up "dickhole" on the internet and I found a photo of your mother's mouth.

You sound like a dickhole every time you say shit like "you americans" or something similar. "You people" never understand american terms so this is nothing new.