New Interview With Joey Belladonna

note to to fans who think Bush is an 'aggressive' metal singer. He is not. Let's get that straight. You act like he is in the same class ass Phil Anselmo, Tom Araya, Chuck Billy, Max Cavalera etc. He is not. He as more in common with Eddie Vedder and Layne Stayley than he does Tom Araya or Chuck Billy. His best work IMO is on the slower Bushthrax songs where he could use his voice. He sounds terrible singing the old Anthrax Thrash era songs.


If you think it's just that it was a live setting, listen to the Phantom Lord cover. As much as I like John Bush's voice, he sounds like crap on that. Seriously, he probably sounded the absolute best on that U2 cover they did. Can't think of the song title at the moment. That's probably part of the reason they didn't do any thrash with Bush in the band.
note to to fans who think Bush is an 'aggressive' metal singer. He is not. Let's get that straight. You act like he is in the same class ass Phil Anselmo, Tom Araya, Chuck Billy, Max Cavalera etc. He is not. He as more in common with Eddie Vedder and Layne Stayley than he does Tom Araya or Chuck Billy. His best work IMO is on the slower Bushthrax songs where he could use his voice. He sounds terrible singing the old Anthrax Thrash era songs.

I never compared him to those singers, where did I say that? His voice is more Agressive than Joeys, not hard to hear that...........again you either missed or typically avoided the other main points of my post.
Gosh..someone here just made my brain snapped!!

Now the truth is clear!!


It's not becuase of THRASH METAL!! coz the guys never admitted to playing it!!

It is because of the POP quality they have!! Joey singing in STD & ATL, got me hooked. The HIT SONGS in SOWN, S442 and such...
No wonder i hated death metal so much...
I love pop..
Come on, I thought they had the fucking record finished, mastered and ready to release in October 2009. I know of people in media who heard it. Joey says they only had kind of demos back then? This is weird.