New Iphone 4.0 Features

Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
Apple had a little keynote yesterday but they didnt record this one like they did all the others for some reason. But I found this site that had a few of the new features. All in all the only thing that appeals to me right now is the new way to organize the apps. Other then that the rest is meh.
I like the seperate inboxes it helps to keep me a little more organized between personal emails, work emails, and personal work emails. Yeah the multi tasking is cool but read into it a little more, apparently there is no way to turn the app off, the iphone randomly decides when you're done using it and shuts the app down for you.

Thanks for finding that keynote, I searched earlier and found that they didn't record anything for a keynote.
Had Multitasking for ages on mine...And categories...

Apple need to start developing their own features instead of stealing bit for bit the Jailbreak communities efforts...
Hypocritical as hell that they try and ban Jailbreaking (Which is required to make the iPhone worthwhile) and yet steal every Jailbreak feature.

I cannot wait for iPhone linux to be released... get this pissass OS off of my phone.
Cool, I knew that was coming. Should help the iPad some. :lol:

Dude, the iPad is fucking sweet, it needs no help whatsoever. I like surfing the web on mine more than an actual computer. It is blazing fast.

I'm kinda pissed only the 3GS gets multitasking but I'm sure someone will hack it to work with the 3G, I've had most of these features will jailbreak since I've owned my phone but hopefully they will run a little faster now since it's native and not a ton of code running in the background
That's not multi-tasking, that's app switching. It looks like you can START loading a webpage, then go to another app and use that app, but it'll pause the loading of the webpage until you go back to it. That's not multitasking in the least.

Jobs said that if theres a task manager that whoever made the device failed. Well if you hold down on the icon, you can close it...aka...a task manager. I guess Apple failed.

I like the whole folders thing though and how they've finally caught up with themes.

I think I'll wait for the next Palm device to come out. That WebOS is sexy. That's some great multi-tasking there and it's a really open platform so I have high hopes for it. I'm getting tired of how closed off Apple is about everything.
the iPhone has had multitasking for as long as I can remember. Only between Apple apps though. OS 4.0 looks to be pretty cool though.
Its kind of clunky though, but not nearly as much as android. I consider android the Windows Mobile of today.

I seriously really love WebOS. Always had multi-tasking for all apps in a really simple and intuitive card system. Plus, I love unobtrusive notifications.
My buddy is fucking stoked as shit over folders for some reason.

So am I dude, My phone is at full capacity as far as apps go..And i have ocd and HAVE to have everything in its place, the folders will help me out alot with the organization of everything on my phone. I have the 3g though so i wont be able to get the multitasking (which isnt much of a big deal to me anyway)

Unless apple releases a whole new phone to go with the new os, i'll be sticking with the 3g i already have. I dont see a point in dishing out more money just because the 3gs has a video camera and slightly better graphics.
Jailbroken Iphone destroys regular iphone, multitasking and the folders has been done ages ago. I don't need multitasking, I'm cool with push notifications on the messaging apps, and categories has been a total must for my Iphone since I bought it. I only use 2 pages cause most of my stuff is organized in folders. Plus my3g, and MyWifi are super awesome jailbroken apps.

Haven't checked about that 4.0 OS though, but will only update when it is fully jailbreakable and unlockable
Don't get me wrong, it's definitely better than WinMo by leaps and bounds...I just feel amongst all the others OS's out there, it's essentially what WinMo was to everything else back in the day...a giant clunky mess.

Really? Android runs great on my Hero. I had some issues at first but it was resolved by uninstalling some nasty apps.

It will likely run great on the new Asus Eee Pad.
It's not that it doesn't run well, it's just very clunky. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe its like trying to do everything possible without doing all of them well. It's like a Windows PC heh...

Are you kidding me? I switched from an iPhone to a Droid, and the android os shits all over the iPhone.

It really has no comparison to Windows Mobile.

And in reply to an early post, the iPhone isn't linux based? I thought most phones nowadays were...
The iPhone OS as a Mac OS X derivate is based on Darwin and therefore a Unix-like OS.

I love Android. When I got the G1 last summer I considered getting an iPhone, but the only thing speaking for the iPhone was the larger number of available apps. A situation that will be rectified with the larger amounts of Android phones being released day by day.

I can't stand how Apple patronize their customers/users. You have to jailbreak the iPhone to reach a at least similar range of functions and freedom that an Android phone offers already "out of the box".

To each his own.