New Iron Maiden album: The Final Frontier


My penis exploded
Nov 18, 2006
London, UK
I'm so fucking excited I could literally explode. Iron Maiden (the best band in the world) will have their new album out this summer!


IRON MAIDEN are pleased to announce that their forthcoming new studio album will be called 'THE FINAL FRONTIER', and is expected be released late summer of this year.

The announcement comes with news of a North American Tour with Very Special Guests Dream Theater to open in Dallas, Texas, on 9th June and finish in Washington D.C. on 20th July, making it Maiden's most extensive North American tour in many years.

Following these shows in USA and Canada The Final Frontier World Tour will travel back to Europe for a few selected major festival and stadium shows with the band planning to continue to many other countries in 2011 (full currently confirmed dates below).

The full Live Nation North America press release for the North American Tour is posted here.

An exclusive pre-sale allowing members of the IRON MAIDEN fan club first access to tickets to the North American Maiden Shows will be made available two days prior to them being available to the public.

Tickets for the Canadian shows will go on sale to the public on Saturday 13th March at 10am PST (10am EST for Toronto and 12 noon EST Montreal).
Exclusive first access to the tickets will be available to IM fan club members on Wednesday 10th March at 10am PST through to Thursday 11th March at 6pm PST (EST for Toronto).
Regretfully due to technical reasons an exclusive Pre-Sale in Montreal is not possible.

Tickets for the US Shows will go on sale to the public on Saturday 20th March at 10am EST.
Exclusive first access to the tickets will be available to IM fan club members on Wednesday 17th March at 10am EST through to Thursday 18th March at 6pm EST

As IRON MAIDEN are actively dedicated to ensuring their fans always have access to the best possible tickets at the fairest possible price, without being subject to scalping for good seats, so many North American shows will operate, at least in part, a paperless ticket policy: More information on Ticketmaster Paperless Ticketing can be found

To give IRON MAIDEN fan club members a privileged insight to their touring world, IMTV will return to to cover THE FINAL FRONTIER WORLD TOUR. This exclusive footage includes regular video from the live shows, touring, band interviews, insights into our crew and what they do and much much more. The website will also feature exclusive tour diaries, exclusive photographs and anything else that helps the fans get a real insight into the dynamics of a big tour.
Ahh you got there before me :D Just heard this, frothing with excitement :D :headbang: Hope this isn't the final album! I recall Steve Harris saying they had another two left in them including this.
Best news of the day :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang: why do they have to retire :cry: they should be turned into androids like Eddie has been in a previous carnation then they could rock forever
Found out about this a few days ago... great news, will be interesting to hear what direction they take with the new material.
Will definitely get the new album, although whether I see them live or not will depend on how extensive their UK schedule is (hoping its more than 1 festival + 1 stadium like last time)

Not holding out much hope as they've previously stated they're cutting down on actual gigs, which is shown by the length of their North American tour. Compared to what they played in the 80s, 2 months isn't really that extensive. Admittedly they're getting older but they're still energetic

Also if we can get special guests like DT over here then it would get even better (last time I saw Maiden was on Dance of Death tour, supported by Funeral for a Friend)
New album should be interesting, and I've never had the privilege of experiencing Iron Maiden live yet, so I'm very much hoping they'll do a decent UK tour (a show in Sheffield would be bloody brilliant for me!), although I may be seeing them if I go to Sonisphere this year.
Early days......but I think the opening track was a bad choice as an opening track......possibly the worst one on the album for me.

Liking Mother of Mercy, Coming Home, Isle of Avalon and StarBlind so far......not heard the last 2 yet.

Bruce's vocals seem very strained in places, maybe a different key would have been a good idea on a couple of the tunes.
I agree with what Steve says about the opening track, but overall I'm very impressed.

I'd been really disappointed with the last two albums - the arrangements and songwriting were very sloppy. They had some great ideas, but they just needed Martin Birch to reel them in a bit, give them a click track, and help give the songs more shape. Kevin Shirley doesn't seem to be doing much with the band, and it all sounded like something cobbled together quite quickly.

The production on the new one still leaves a lot to be desired, but looks like they've cleaned up the songwriting and have really found some of the Iron Maiden magic again! Some of Adrian Smiths solo sections are fantastic, and the songs have some really interesting twists and turns. I'd still like to see Martin Birch back, or.. basically any of the great producers around at the moment from the power/prog scene, to help give the band a better mix and a more controlled production. Karl Groom could work wonders for Maidn IMHO... now that's a partnership I'd like to see :)
Bruce's vocals seem very strained in places, maybe a different key would have been a good idea on a couple of the tunes.

Again, I think this is a total lack of any production whatsoever. Shirley could have gotten an amazing performance out of Dickinson, but he didn't bother. In fact, I've just seen Maiden live and Dickinson sounded better live and could hit the high notes no problem. Seems like they just went for the first take in the studio!
Ok...people will discuss this album in the pubs and everywhere and everyone has the right to have their own opinion, so please allow me...

I don't believe in bands forever either...because they are not Maiden. Maiden rules, forever and ever and ever :headbang::headbang:

The first track may not be their best opening of all their albums but if any other band in the world would be able to produce something that is 70% of this, either at the beginning or anywhere else, they could retire and live happily forever - the intro just brought tears to my eyes - it is everything you may want- novel, epic, amazing musicianship - all in a parcel!

When you think The Alchemist is the best they smash you with the last 3 tracks and When the Wild Wind Blows is simply Harris at his best!

Bruce's voice may not be absolutely perfect, but it is still the most awesome vocals in the world :worship:

I'm drooling, I am biased and I passionate about Maiden - yes!! Absolutely guilty! No excuses whatsoever! Proudly guilty!

I just don't understand people being blase at Maiden - people just take them for granted because they are so great, so f**** amazing - and because we became human beings listening to them. Easy to lose perspective.

People do not realise that we are privileged because we are living at a time when the real metal gods are among us - mark my words when you think back at this forum in 10 years' time.

:worship: Maiden! Maiden! Maiden! :hotjump:

PS: they are not retiring at all! Just read the interviews given to Metal Hammer
Firstly I agree with damn near everything His Majesty The Crystal King is saying. Also some random thoughts:

- They do love their slow acoustic intros a bit too much, don't they?

- Satellite 15 is completely stupid and unnecessary, and needs to go. If Martin Birch was still on board he would have laughed at them and told them to put it in the bin.

- Starblind has a certain vibe to it that I like. It's also amusing to hear the riff to Stairway to the Stars by Blue Oyster Cult at around the 4:00 mark.

- The strange funky bit that happens around the 4:00 mark in The Man Who Would Be King is somewhat less amusing...

I'm still liking it despite all of the things that annoy me about modern Maiden material.
Agree with them needing a new producer, even though I love the album I keep thinking how much better it would sound with someone else at the helm. The whole thing just sounds very compressed when it should really breathe

Leading on from this, since people are mentioning that Bruce isn't sounding at his best, then Roy Z would be ideal. Or another suggestion would be Andy Sneap

Still need to give the whole thing a few more listen throughs, although agree when with the comment about 'When the Wild Wind Blows' absolutely beautiful song