New Iron Maiden stuff due in November...

Damn that thing looks cool, Ill be getting it for SURE :D (The Donington 88 show looks rather unreal, as does Reading 1982)

THIS is the kind of thing they ought to do more often :headbang: That casket thing looks cool :)

Another greatest hits though? Surely they have to be taking the piss! Who do they think they are? Kiss? :)
Yep, the box set does smack of extreme coolness... but then they go and ruin it all by mentioning their new Best Of CD. ANOTHER one? Sigh.
But the greatest hits one is not for the fans! It's for people to get introduced to the band and it will be advertised on telly(*). And the artwork will be available on the website, so there'll be no need. No real fans will buy this, I'm sure of it.

(* except in Australia, where it's poor sales will be another reason why they don't tour)
Yeah, but they announced all this cool stuff, and I thought, "Rereleasing unreleased material (apart from the B-sides) is very unlike them!" and then they go and ruin it a little.

They should release a gig from Somewhere On Tour. That'd rule.
Why do they always have to release stuff like this as limited edition? I'm about to be a student and as such i'll NEVER have enough money for it until about 3 years after it's released, by which time it will have sold out unless they make about 5 million copies!!

btw, any idea how many they'll make?
Holy Crap!!

Beast Over Hammersmith and Monsters Of Rock Festival Donington 1988!!

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Although the 'Best Of B-sides' don't interest me that much.
Oh, and the Edward The Great thing must be a joke.

Are they gonna release a new greatest hits package after every album?