New Maiden cover art

I dont think Riggs will have anything to do with Iron Maiden anymore, from the interviews I have read, he is pissed at them because he never got any money from the merchandising/album covers that carried his artwork. Im not sure what the deal was, perhaps they just boguht the paintings and did as they saw fit with them, I dont know...
Yeah...i think for the price, the artwork should have been ball-grabbing stuff.

I think, i will have a good think about it before rushing out to buy it.

I am much more interested in their next studio album, i have enough live versions of their old stuff already.
I hope we're not the sort of people who buy an album for the shitty cartoon-crap 'artwork' now, are we?
Yeah, anyone that would buy an album based on cover art alone is an IDIOT... :D
Never! thats like someone who buys a rerelease just because the cover art is changed! Pfft!
I own one. Can't remember the name of it... it has a dragon on the cover if that helps! :lol:

Actually, it has "The Emerald Sword" on it... or "Eemrald" as the singer bloke would call it.
Ive got Symphony Of The Enchanted Lands, plus Rain Of A Thousand Flames and Power Of The Dragonflame.

Have you heard the 19 and a half minute song at the end of POTD? Epicus Operaish Bullshittius.
Ah, it's "Symphony" that I have then. Might go and listen to it after I finish this CD (Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising" - the album of the year!!).
I quite like the BBC Archives and the Best Of The B-Sides covers. The Beast Over Hammersmith one though looks like a dodgy unofficial bootleg release cover or something.
Would be kinda cool to see Hugh Syme come and do another cover. Take a different slant on their album covers like they did with X-Factor.

Rather than get artists come and paint Eddie to a standard that doesnt match the covers of the 80's...go a full different photographic digital path with it. That could be kinda cool.
Hugh Syme rules, but I think he's better suited working with Rush. He's a bit too stylish for Maiden, although The X Factor *was* a great cover.