New Maiden single

I have very little perspective when it comes to Maiden. Love the sound of Benjamin Breeg and can barely contain my excitement at the prospect of AMOLAD arriving late this month. :D

Bruce is probably my all-time favourite singer. Most of what's heard on DoD and AMOLAD is first take vocals from the studio. A little rough around the edges but fucking real. Retire? Jeez, nfu... Maiden are so full of beans and sound so fresh. They didn't always (FOTD and the Blaze albums) but I think it's incredible how good they're sounding now.
The Hubster said:
Sorry to say, but I think Bruce is far from worn out.

As we all know his voice deteriorated badly during 1988-1993 roughly, and that was due to the ravages of too much constant touring. His voice was basically ground down, and plus he had some health issues with it (see 1992 Donnington performance of Hallowed Be Thy Name and you will even see Bruce coughing above the drum kit during parts of the song after struggling to hit the higher registers).

Take his performances from NPFTD and FOTD and compare those performances to BNW (and let me say when I bought it, and listened to it for the first time, my jaw dropped, it was a true return to form imo). See his performance on Nomad and The Thin Line Between Love And Hate and then imagine him doing that back during 1988-1993, there's no way he could have done, even in the studio (where he *should* be able to do it given he's standing still and can control his breathing more).

Another example is his performance during Run To The Hills on RIR. During the chorus, instead of dropping down at ".. for your lives!" like he did for a good decade before, he sustains the note and raises it like he is supposed to. Of course, this is not to the level of the original studio recording, and that of course the likely outcome in a live situation when you're 50!

There is a texture (or lack of clarity) to his voice which I think has come simply with age, not so much as him not being able to sing at a great level anymore. DOD (the title track itself) doesn't go well with his voice imo, as several sections of the song are condensed and feature quick fluctuations in pitch which I don't think is a good skill of his. Bruce's beauty of skill is in "sweeping arias" (highly evident through POM through to SIT and even onto SSOASS despite his voice problems on the album).

If anything, I think he is more controlled and more skilled with his instrument. I think he could quite possibly pull off Total Eclipse now in 2006. He knows more about his limits and his creative ability and I strongly believe that this is evident on both live and studio recordings since 2000.

Cheers H

agree dude. I listened to Tyranny of Souls, Bruce's latest solo record, just the other day while driving and it contains some very strong material. He has matured as a vocalist over time.
NineFeetUnderground said:
iron maiden still sound fresh? you did listen to that song posted above right? ive never heard such a standard metal track from a reputable band in a long time.

As much as I hate to admit it (given Maiden as my favourite band for a good 20 years or so now), I have to agree with you there.

I was thinking as well in regards to the post I made a little earlier... a possible reason that some people might think that Bruce has lost it is that he's no longer singing songs that are written with flamboyance as they were in previous years: Harris is mostly showing a simpler style with Maiden these days and I think that's the issue that many of us older fans have with the newer material (despite these new albums having good moments here and there). Still though, Maiden *do* have an energy in their music now which was lost from NPFTD through to VXI, it's a good thing.

The simpler style might be a good thing for newer fans of Iron Maiden, as they will still view it as something special. Once they go into the back-catalogue though, they're in for one hell of a treat. :kickass:
Dickinson remains one of the most incredible frontman you can see perform in all metal and I agree that he is in tip top form currently even if it is not as high pitched as before.
His way of singing has matured , it is more controlled and powerful.

Scream For Me Hammersmith, Scream For Meeeeeeee Hamersmiiitttth !!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I couldn't resist.

And you gotta give Maiden fuckin respect for sticking to their guns and making tours that are not greatest hits or nostalgia acts since they play between 5 or 7 songs of each of their new album each tour. Minus the Two recent Greatest hits tours in 1999 ( Bruce Comes Back) and 2005 (Early Years shows).

How many old bands can say that ???

Up The Fuckin Irons Bitches !!!

The new song is cool very close to Dickinson's recent solo material IMO.
that song is terrible stop arguing

also anyone who doesnt like king crimson or yes doesnt hvae taste period
/\ yes is one of my favorite bands, still thats an ignorant statemetn
the Irons rule still, although DoD was quite weak, compared to the great Brave New World. that relese kicked some ass, and that seriously!!! BNW is my 2nd fave Maiden album after Piece Of Mind and i didn't expect that at all...
Benjamin is a standard Maiden song and i wish the other ones from the new album are a bit higher standart. i don't expect wonders after BNW, which was a huge one. but i hope they just do better than on DoD.
Death_To_False_Metal said:
And you gotta give Maiden fuckin respect for sticking to their guns and making tours that are not greatest hits or nostalgia acts since they play between 5 or 7 songs of each of their new album each tour. Minus the Two recent Greatest hits tours in 1999 ( Bruce Comes Back) and 2005 (Early Years shows).

Don't forget the "Give Me Ed Till I'm Dead" tour, which was another greatest hits package. They had the audacity to say at Ozzfest that they weren't the kind of band who just rested on their laurels like a bunch of has-beens (a dig at Sabbath), and then proceeded to play only songs from their early days (yeah, the DVD, I know... it was just a weird thing to say, and sort of off-putting).

I'm also fed up that their live CD's/DVD's are pretty much the same ones they've released before with like 3 new songs. How many freaking versions of "Iron Maiden" and "Wrathchild" do I need?

Incidentally, what did you all think of the egging incident on the above-mentioned Ozzfest tour?
NineFeetUnderground said:
iron maiden still sound fresh? you did listen to that song posted above right? ive never heard such a standard metal track from a reputable band in a long time.

Fair enough. :lol I can see how you can say that. Like I said: I can't be expected to have any perspective with Maiden. You don't forget your first love. :D

On the recent albums, I thought BNW was rather patchy but had GOTN - one of my absolute favourite tracks, and I enjoyed haaving Bruce back IMMENSELY. Dance Of Death I thought was better. Still a little patchy but more consistent overall. The vibe was just better, to my ears. Actually, vibe and attitude matters a pretty great deal to me in music. Maybe that's a major reason why I still love Maiden so.
I agree with that, though I think they still had said Maiden vibe on Brave New World. But the new vibe is certainly not a retirement home vibe. I think that you're just a case of "It'll never be as good as it was before."
Ok, so Porcupine Tree's Signify, on the track Sever, at about 0:23 in when the vocals first start, does anybody think, even for a split second, "Hey, Bruce"? Ok, don't call me an idiot without listening. Go listen, and THEN call me an idiot. That's how I like things to get done.