Iron Maiden tour - setlist guessing game

Necuratul said:
Well, I'm not an avid concert goer, and Iron Maiden isn't among my favorites.

Iron Maiden is better than anything

but let's face it, that wouldn't be true if we were judging only by material post 7th Son
MadeInNewJersey said:
Maiden, to the best of my knowledge, has never announced their setlists prior to their tours. I think your confusion is coming from the fact that they almost ALWAYS begin tours in Europe, so we in the States get to see the setlists prior to the shows we get, or tickets going on sale.
I wouldn't expect a band to announce its set if they were doing what most bands do; playing a varied selection from their catalog. However, they're not doing that, they're doing something "special". When they did something special on their last tour (played material only from the first four CDs) they announced they were doing that. When they tour next, they'll be playing material from CDs 5 - 8. They've announced that. The fact that they're doing this and didn't announce it, certainly invites the criticism they've been receiving.

For a band with a catalog as extensive and classic as theirs, they shouldn't be doing more than four new songs. If they wanted to do six, OK. Although the new disc is really good, it's not flawless and it's not a concept. There's no need to play every track off it. It's self-indulgent and not what the (majority of the) fans want.

Yeah, you definitely missed the fucking point if that's your reaction to what I said.
Actually I'll still be enjoying myself at the show, it's just that I'll have a fucking free ticket so it won't bother me that I'm not seeing the Maiden show I was looking to see.

Look, I KNOW that this is about what the band wants, that it's good that they're not playing the same shit over and over again, that this is a nice change of pace, etc. I completely understand that, and this is great for people who've seen their show 100 times and really like the new stuff. But to deny that this isn't the ideal scenario for someone who's never seen Maiden before and wants to hear the older material live (fuck Run To The Hills and the rest of their default old songs though) is just fucking dumb. I don't have to be happy about this decision to play the entire new album to still enjoy the show.

edit: to MINJ (MINGE?)
You will get to see/hear loads of classics on the next tour, so just relax about it.

Ed Hunter tour = greatest hits
Brave New Tour = mostly Brave New World (7 of 10 songs)
Give 'Em Ed tour = greatest hits
Dance of Death Tour = mostly Dance of Death (6-7 of 10 songs)
Early Days tour = greatest hits from 1st 4 albums
Matter of Life & Death Tour = all of MOLAD
next Early Days tour = greatest hits from 2nd 4 albums

see the pattern?
I know that, and I will be seeing them on the next tour. I just wish I'd picked a better time for my first Iron Maiden concert.
Erik said:
Perhaps. But the reality of the situation is, Maiden would not exist if they didn't please fans. This tour would not be happening if people weren't willing to pay to see it. And the fact of the matter is, less people would've be willing to pay for it had they known about the setlist up front.

Erik said:
art IS self indulgent
Picking which songs are played live, is not art.

Erik said:
iron maiden has no obligation to please and entertain you...
If they want me to continue to buy their CDs and concert tickets, they are in fact obligated.

Erik said:
if you're doubting maiden would sell out concerts if they had made this public you're deluding yourself. there are LOTS of people who want tickets but weren't able to get any.
Actually, you're deluding yourself. Tickets have now been on sale for well over a month, and only two of their US shows are sold out.

If you've followed various boards where this setlist issue has been discussed, then you're aware that many people wouldn't be going had they known the setlist in advance. So not only aren't these shows sold out, there'd be even more tickets avialble had they announced this setlist prior.

Erik said:
all that's different now is that some of the people who WERE lucky enough to get tickets in time will have to wear pampers and bring 40 boxes of kleenex to the gig if they plan on surviving

and you assume all people with tickets are actually going to show up

I agree with you though, I'd prefer to see them do the rare classics and so will eagerly await the next Early Days tour.

I'm just glad I got to see them play 18 years ago, so no big whoop either way