Iron Maiden setlist from tonight


Oct 10, 2001
ides of march
murders in the rue morgue
another life
the trooper
remember tomorrow
run to the hills
charlotte the harlot
where eagles dare
die with your boots on
phantom of the opera
the number of the beast
hallowed be thy name
iron maiden
running free
Look at that run of songs:

"Harlot" > "Revelations" > "Eagles" > "Boots" > "Phantom"

*falls flat on back*

Of course, we get 1 hour sets at OzzFest, so we'll get half of that if we're lucky. Pfft.
Yeah, I don't want to slice your fucking throat open right now :mad:

Get KILL TULLY in here tomorrow mourning, I'll show him self-multilation pics he never dreamed of :mad: :mad: :mad: fuck this, FUCK THIS. I'm gonna batter some cunt tomorrow, then listen to nothing but the first three Maiden albums on repeat all day the next day. Much as the Reading lineup sucks, I can't believe I'm missing that setlist for each and every band on Download :mad: :killjewsandniggers:
Damn, a setlist where the majority is pre-Bruce material and nothing from side one of NOTB (an opportunity wasted, I know they revived #22 recently and will never play Invaders, but the other two are crying out to be played on this occasion) will Paul attempt to exploit the legacy of albums one and two now?
That would be so sweet! "Powerslave", "The Clairvoyant", "Wasted Years"! My favorite Maiden era would have to be '83 to '88, although there are some real nut-breakers before and after that as well.

I was only teasing Crimson -- I mean, the publicity around this and the fact that it's "The Early Days" tour to support the DVD has been drilled home ad nauseum at this point, so it's always funny to see that some people do still live under rocks.

(Not that you live under a rock, I'm sure you have a very nice cave). :loco:
Actually, I've only heard it once, I think. It was actually the reason I bothered to pay $100 for a ticket. :) The suckers sold out like nothing since Metallica came by in late '03. And my grotto is very nice, thankyouverymuch. :loco: