New Jenna thread..

Bring your appetite to Second Wind Jenna. We ate at a little pizza place next to it last and that was awesome. :kickass:

Dennis and I give it a huge thumbs up.


Haha, cool!!! Sounds good to me!! :D

Aren't you going to Metallica in Anaheim on the 10th?

No I'm not. :waah: I only got tickets for the two shows as at the time they went onsale, I wasn't planning on being in the country for that long. I am on the lookout for a spare ticket so if one comes up, then yes I will go. :)
Can you make it to a holiday dinner at Ma and Pa McDonald's house? I kinda planned my vacation between the holidays so as to get the holiday meal without the holiday:heh: Not sure when, but Linda, Mark, maybe even our Sister, Lisa will be there.(Did you know there was another one of us?:p inside joke there) Dad is the best cook!! You can see where Linda and I get our towering height from as well!:lol:
You could go to a ticket broker, but unfortunately they live up to their name and make you "broke-er"

Done it before but I'm not making it a priority. If I can get a ticket at a reasonable price, then I will go. If not, then it's no big deal.

Can you make it to a holiday dinner at Ma and Pa McDonald's house? I kinda planned my vacation between the holidays so as to get the holiday meal without the holiday:heh: Not sure when, but Linda, Mark, maybe even our Sister, Lisa will be there.(Did you know there was another one of us?:p inside joke there) Dad is the best cook!! You can see where Linda and I get our towering height from as well!:lol:

If you're officially inviting me, then I would love that. Thank you! :D
What on earth is that?? :lol: Actually nevermind, I've just googled it and it says it's similar to our Crunchies. I can't remember if I bought any of those or not. I spent so much money on chocolate that I have forgotten what I bought! Haha!

I'm bringing over Parma Violets but you'll have to wrestle Darlene for them!! Haha!! They are of a VERY acquired taste. I love them and so does my mum, but my sister likens them to eating soap!! :lol:
Forget about the "Oh shit" feeling! Just don't forget the passport and you will be fine!:) I kinda got that feeling as well as I am moving through Afghanistan towards home. Got my passport, wallet, and enough clean drawers to get me home - ALL GOOD!!! Can't wait to meet you!!!!!