New Jenna thread..

I GOT JENNA!!!! ok she will be with me here in Downey till next friday... few things going on during the week but let us know if you wanna hang :)
Theres Jenna in California and heres me in the UK.

Jennas swanning around enjoying herself and I'm here stripping the front end of my car down because I had a crash on Thursday, doing the same in a junkyard, in 1C temperatures and I have more cuts and bruises on my hands and arms than I can shake a stick at!

Yeah they reckon we will get snow soon, so Jenna :P I effin love snow me!

And just think, when you come home it will still be bloody freezing!

Jealous? Moi? Damn right! ;)

Enjoy yourself Jenna, I would :D
timewarrior - it rained today in l.a. - that 's like lottery odds! i thought that news might make you less green =P

Pfffttttt lets do away with the Timewarrior garbage.
My names Anth, From now on you, my widdle fest gal, may call me sir! :lol:

Only joking, Anth it is from now.

Raining in LA, well I never......we got floods here, the snow turned out to be torrential rain, I have the lights on in my house right now and its 11am!

So what else you been up to Jenna?