It was alright. JP have an intention to write epic lyrics but it always turns out cheesy.

I agree with you...I accept some cheese factor with metal, but this may a bit much...they did it with Loch Ness on the last release as well. I wish they would go back to writing more poignant lyrics like on Sad Wings and Sin after Sin...that's just classic stuff. I kind of expected cheese from a Nostradamus concept album.
It's an ok song. For me, the production is what bothers me most. It sounds like two different bands had their tracks laid over each other. On one hand you have the "classic" priest guitar sound that is thin, almost lacking tone. On the other hand, you have this bottom-heavy rythm section that sounds like nu-metal bands. Nothing wrong with either one. They are too much of a contrast here though.
Shenk is right too. The World of Warcraft lyrics are kinda gay. Maybe after 30 years, he doesn't know what to say?
It's an ok song. For me, the production is what bothers me most. It sounds like two different bands had their tracks laid over each other. On one hand you have the "classic" priest guitar sound that is thin, almost lacking tone. On the other hand, you have this bottom-heavy rythm section that sounds like nu-metal bands. Nothing wrong with either one. They are too much of a contrast here though.
Shenk is right too. The World of Warcraft lyrics are kinda gay. Maybe after 30 years, he doesn't know what to say?

The World of Warcraft lyrics are kinda gay.

considering who we're talking about, that comment just strikes me funny.
I cant even understand all the lyrics. It does'nt matter though. Rob Halford could sing "Mary had a little lamb" and it would sound cool.
A cool song. Little cheesy but catchy. Reminds me of Running Wild at times :) the production (guitar sound) sounds kinda weak to me but it could be the shitty headphones I have at work. I like the organ part and the solos - they sound pretty awesome.
NOoooooooooooooo VAGINA !!! NOOOOOOOOO VAGINA !!! thanks mickey at 98 rock in Baltimore for that being in my head now.