new killswitch...


Nov 8, 2005
is pretty good, the mix is a bit bass heavy/muddy, but it sounds good. The songs are pretty good as well. There seems a to be some crackley distortion on the tracks, but i chaulk that up to it being mp3s.

anyone else hear it?
There's a 5 song sampler floating around the ether. I don't have it yet myself. I'll definitely be picking up the CD when it comes out, I've been a fan of KsE since 2002.

I think the album title is kind of odd though. "As Daylight Dies..." I mean, there's already a band called Daylight Dies. Also there's As I Lay Dying.

They should have stuck with the name "Petting Zoo" or gone with "As Daylight Lays Dying." I'm eager to hear the llama sounds that Adam promised.
Theres something i dont like about the production but i cant really put my finger on it. The songs are kind of strange too, theres lots of oddball parts, but overall its still pretty good
i personally think its really good, drums wise i think it sounds more like alive or just breathing. more 80's sounding again. but over all . i think its as good as anything theyve done before. bit more of the same but with a few pantera styled riffs chucked in for good measure. i think itll be a great album.
Have had that track they released on the web a couple of weeks back in high rotation ever since....I just love this band. Looking forward to hearing the album and will have to check out the promo over the weekend.
Enjoyed all five tracks, all offering something differant! Couldn't 'understand' certain parts straight away but I'll get used to them after a few more listens!

My only slight criticism is the drums in the mix. Can't help but feel they get lost & are hard to hear at times. Especially in the more layered parts - The snare & especially toms are really hard to hear! The snare sounds really strange too - Sounds very verby & lack's some serious crack!
The guitars & vox sound amazing, though!
I can't believe ANY of you guys are trying to comment on the mix when what we are listening is a shitty web-rip that is encoded to a lossy-format. Trust me, the CD will sound beautiful. I'm loving the songs - sound a lot more like the Killswitch I love! :kickass:
I've got it, definitely no surprises here, sounds like KsE. That's a good thing, these guys are consistent! There seems to be some clipping in the web rip, it's 256kbps variable bit rate (wtf is up with using VBR anyway??)

I'll be picking this one up as soon as it's released!
Kazrog said:
Uhm, no. It always sounds like shit in my experience.
Depends on what VBR algorithm you use and what you're comparing it to. But a well encoded VBR mp3 will sound virtually no different from a constant 320 encoded mp3. I use Lame's -V2 preset and it's almost indistinguishable from FLAC.
Algorithm-shmalgorithm; the VBR sounds like shit in my experience. MP4, Apple's Lossless, and even 320kbps > 256 VBR.

The mix kicks ass on this... can't wait to hear the full thing, but those guitars sound fucking badass!
wishtheend said:
I can't believe ANY of you guys are trying to comment on the mix when what we are listening is a shitty web-rip that is encoded to a lossy-format. Trust me, the CD will sound beautiful.

My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the web-rip didn't even come from a final mix.