New Living Colour "CollideOscope" anyone???

Armored Thrax

Feb 8, 2002
Orlando, FL
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I just got it a couple of days back and its is pretty good. Not as heavy as "Stain" but somewhere between it and "Time's Up". Anyone else have any thoughts on it?

Over on their message board they are tossing around the idea of who would be good to do a package tour with and Living Colour, Anthrax and Sevendust was mentioned. That would rule!!!!! Was it 89 when Thrax and LC toured together???? Too many beers ago to remember.
Yeah, I got it last week. It's pretty good, but I'll probably need more listens before I make a permanent comment. Right now, I think it's OK...I wanted it to be a little heavier, but after hearing the bands projects after the first breakup, I guess that would have never happened. The Back in Black cover is interesting, though.
Armored Thrax said:
I just got it a couple of days back and its is pretty good. Not as heavy as "Stain" but somewhere between it and "Time's Up". Anyone else have any thoughts on it?

Over on their message board they are tossing around the idea of who would be good to do a package tour with and Living Colour, Anthrax and Sevendust was mentioned. That would rule!!!!! Was it 89 when Thrax and LC toured together???? Too many beers ago to remember.
That tour would kick ass!!! BTW great rant on the KNAC favorite thrash band board. \nn/ :yell: