New logic is out!!

everything I missed in logic 8 is now included!!!!

and best news:

I read on gearslutz that there is an update form logic 8 express and logic 8 studio.

The studio update will cost 199$ I think....

Hopefully there will be a nice EDU price for it....


I´m so happy about it!!!!

I think I´ll buy it before the next session. Fuck stability with new programs I want to play with this HOT CHICK!!!!
Nice. Feature list seems good, so I'm sure you users will be pleased.

It seems almost official; Steinberg is getting outclassed from every angle. I can't wait to jump ship. Logic ain't an option though, what with the Mac only thing.
WTF, I remember talking at some forum a month or two ago and suggesting that I feel like a new Logic could be out soon, but I was laughed out. My hunch was right after all!

I tried Logic 8 some time ago and it felt good but not awesome. I think I'll be making the switch now though.
I think it will be out for guying in september...

But I decided to wait till I get snow leopard.

In the techspecs it is written that you need leopard 10.5.7. or higher.
I think higher means snow leopard....

All the new futures looking amazing!!!!!

update price will be 199$ maybe you get it cheaper with EDU
Oh my fucking god....

If they fixed that stupid issue about the transport bar not even having the option to return to the start position upon stopping... this DAW will be perfect. Fucking hell. I'm picking this up immediately in September - I guarantee price at a university store will be under $250.
also very very interessting:

WaveBurner 1.6
This CD mastering and authoring tool is simple enough for you to quickly turn out demo discs, and powerful enough for you to deliver professional premasters, Red Book–standard CDs, and Disc Description Protocol (DDP) files. The professional effects in Logic Studio make it simple to master the perfect disc.

WaveBurner features an intuitive layout with large waveform viewers. Advanced editing and navigation tools. Separate region, track, and plug-in panes. And now graphic parameter automation. WaveBurner 1.6 also has major interface enhancements like Mix Lane, which gives you a real-time graphic visualization of all your edits, including region and parameter changes.