fuck i forgot about that which lilly allen song. is the "the threat" or whatever, the lead single from her new album. because it was also features in a sound on sound article last month or the one before with great detail about the mix so it would be really cool to have the "recipe" in SOS as well as the actual thing. are all the plug ins and shit in there with the automation and individual tracks or is it like just a "producers edition" with stems?
I saw that article too, all the instruments and plugins are there, i didn't check the automation but i'd wager that it is there too. so its the real deal. i remember in the SOS article the engineer said that the song was made entirely in Logic using only Logic plugins, which i think is pretty awesome.

with the Killers song, it seems that any hardware synths or non-logic synths have been bounced to audio but other than that everything is intact. the fx chain on the main vocal is very interesting.